Chapter 10: The Party

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The Ponies all hop up and down in happiness as Red Bell rushes over to NightMoon and Alex and hugs them. Pinkie says Party? The other Ponies reply that Yes Party time Pinkie. Pinkie rushes over to get the Party set up. An hour later, The Party is all set up as Everypony from the city and the whole group from the battle is there. Pinkie has the Party Cannon set off. Everypony cheers. The Prince brings the Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, AppleJack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Red Bell, NightMoon, and Alex up to the stage and gives them a big speech thanking them for saying their city and gives them medals. They all break into song and sing
"It's been a long day after all we been through. We had to deal with all of this to get to this moment right here. The Day has came to this new town to finally enjoy it's once great city and have itself a great town party. We all saved what a lovely town."
They all walk outside as the Mayor and The Prince tear down the last remains of the once Darkness.
"It can finally be a New Day for this great new town."
Twilight and the rest of the Mane Six head back to Ponyville as we fade out and the credits air

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