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"Hello, reader! And welcome to the Wander over Yonder askblog! I'm your host, Flow, speaking! Anyways, here you can comment a dare or question, (make sure to include the name of the character, or multiple characters). Any question! If it gets wierd then... The characters can back out. I'm no one to make them answer, or do anything they really don't wanna do. (Or am I? c:) and you can ask me to! Just wanted to put that out there... If you don't know who I am, I'm a white, glowing humanoid figure with a white top hat. Two eyes and a mouth. And something else, but I'm gonna keep that a secret for now. Anyways, you guys can introduce yourselves now."

"Hey there reader! Folks call me Wander! I'm really excited to see what questions you've got for me!"

"Hey. I'm Sylvia, I'm a zbornak. And I'm not really as much into the lovey stuff like Wander there."

"Hello, My name is Peepers. Commander Peepers, that is. I'm the general of the watchdog army, and Haters second in command. My mission is to command the watchdogs, give Hater advice, and make sure he once again becomes the greatest in the galaxy!"

"Hey there. I'm Lord Hater, greatest in the galaxy. I'm really cool, but I'm not taking in girlfriends right now. I know, I know. All you fangirls are just itching to get your hands on me, but It'll have to wait. I've got someone else on my list right now."

"These aren't the only characters you can ask, more include me, again. Maybe Westley was it? Ya. And then theres Emperor *cough* ~not so~ *cough* awesome, evil sandwich- *snickers* the black cube, (probably not getting very good answers from there, if you know what I mean.) Lil' bits, some other random villains, some random other good guys,  And if I can, I'll get Dominator on too. I'm sure you guys have some interesting questions for her. Anyways, leave your questions in the comments, and have fun seeing how these guys react/answer your questions! Peace out!

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