Question 11

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Hmm...? What- OH! A question! I'm so sorry, at least these wacky characters are back to answer questions. Let's see... Angel2Heart says, have any of you ever met a human? If so, what were they like? Well guys, knock yourselves out!

Wander: Huh? Oh a question! I'm so excited!!! Have I ever met a human? No, but I've heard they can be really nice and sweet! Well, if it doesn't count as me meeting one by reading these questions of course. I hope that it's fine with ya'll that I've never met one!

Sylvia: I haven't met any, so does that answer the entire question?

Hater: Wait... What's a human?

It's the people that write every single question.

Hater: Oh, well then yes, I have me-

It doesn't count just by reading their questions.

Hater: Oh, then no.

I won't show you all the answers since everyone else also said no. But I met a human once. He crossed into my dimension, I haven't been there in a while. He said he was travelling around the multiverse to defeat some shape or something and said his name was F- Wait... Why do I stay in this dimension? I could just leave whenever... Maybe I'll take a day off sometime and let these guys do all the talking. Well, It's a possibility.

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