Question 12

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Next question! This is from WOY lover again. The question is... "Wander. Did you know people are shipping you and Peepers?! How cute!!" Ugh. Alright, to you wander.

Wander: Their shipping us? Hm... I'm not particularly sure I know what that means. Flow, can you help me out with this one?"

Alrighty then. It means people... let's just say they think you two should be in love.

Peepers: PREPOSTEROUS!!! The odds of him and me ever being attracted to each other are impossible!

Wander: Oh...! (blushes) Wow... I don't recall that I've ever really been attracted to someone, H-how strange that people would- I mean... Wow! I didn't expect anything like that to come out of this thing!"

And there you have it. Next question...

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