Real Life Right Now is Far Worse

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    For the first time in a long while I found myself suddenly awake before the sun rose. Which was confusing because I never really liked to wake up early.

    Time to get up, you have to get that bracelet off that girl.

    I blinked, not recognizing Zach's voice there for a second. He's been getting grittier in the sound department lately.

    I'm just weak from the magic I did earlier. I'll be back to my old self in no time.

    Okay. So bracelet time or whatever. I found Jay and shook him awake, he woke up instantly but was very bewildered.

"Zara?" He blinked rapidly. "What time is it?"

"Time to resurrect my brother come on." I grabbed his hand and hoisted him up.


"I know where we're going next."

"You do? What about Jack? Shouldn't he know where we're going? He knows this place better than we do." Jay insisted.

I hesitated as I reached for the doorknob. No, Jack doesn't know anything, you can trust me, I'm your brother Zara. Zach's floated back in, sickly sweet and endearing. I hadn't forgotten the sound of that voice.

"And Zach knows this place better than anyone, come on." Jay still looked nervous, but came with me anyways.

We had left without eating, but I was suddenly filled with this itch that I needed to go somewhere and it wouldn't go away. I going to rip out this ridiculous human fur soon if we didn't go there. Glamora, I had never felt anything like this before. It was almost unpleasant, and it kept getting worse and worse the fatter I walked. Finally Jay tapped my shoulder.

"Slow down, I can't walk that fast with these senses." he hissed, his tone was unkind which struck Zara as off-character for him and she stopped for just a moment.

"Sorry, it's just... I have to get to this place." I insisted, slowing down ever so slightly. "I don't know where it is I just... have to get there."

"Is Zach telling you to go there or something?" Jay asked, ask we strolled quickly over hard flat trails of rock and humans dens that seemed identical to the last and stretched on for seemingly miles, it was driving me up a wall.

    "I think so." I huffed out as I continued. "It feels just...really weird so I don't know honestly."

    "How do you know where you're going?"

    I glanced back at him to see his eyebrows furrowing. "I just know, okay."

    "Zara." He stopped suddenly.

    I was yanked to a stop as well and turned back towards him angrily. "What?"

    He bit his lip. "Look I'm sorry, but I'm only saying this because I care about you."

    Something about the way he said it sent shivers down my spine. I care about you.

    "How do you know that Zach has... good intentions." He said slowly.

    "What do you mean?" I scoffed. "Jay, are you actually hearing yourself right now?"

He prickled uncomfortably. "That's not what I meant I just... I've noticed you're doing a lot of blind trusting and I'm not sure if it's entirely healthy-"

"Jay!" I snapped. "How dare you? Do you think you can just say whatever you want because you're my friend? Have some respect! Zach's trying his best to reach us and this isn't helping. I can't believe you."

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