~ Chapter 1 ~

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(Disclaimer: I'm not going to use Cry's real name because I've heard that he doesn't like that. I know he won't know since I'm sure he doesn't read Septiplier in his free time, but I still don't want to disappoint Cry-San-Chan-Kun-Senpai)

Jack's PoV

       I rest my head in one of my hands as I use my free one to doodle in my notebook. "Whatcha drawin' there, friend?" Cry asks, rolling over to my desk in his office chair. I move my hand away to reveal a sketch of Markiplier in all of his glory. Cry giggles and nudges me playfully. "You're such a fangirl." He teases with a friendly smile. "Hey! Shut up! I bet you probably drew a bunch of weird pictures of Pewdiepie butt naked on your work calendar!" I joke, my Irish accent showing it's face. "I do not draw him naked on my work calendar!" Cry pouts with his arms crossed. "You aren't denying that you draw pictures of him on your calendar?" I point out, making Cry blush out of embarrassment. "M-Maybe!" He stutters, looking away from me in attempt to hide his rosy cheeks.
       "Sean! Cry! Darkiplier and Bro are attacking the pier! Hurry up and cover the story before Weasel News gets there!" Our boss, Ken, exclaims as he approaches us. "Yes, sir!" Cry and I say in unison as I stuff my notebook and my microphone into my book bag.
       We run out of the building and hop in the news van, Cry immediately slamming his foot on the gas when he starts up the vehicle. We zoom down the streets until we reach the pier. People are running away from the scene, a few of them going as far as to even jump off of the dock and into the water. At the top of the ferris wheel stands the two villains responsible. Darkiplier and Bro... These fuckers haven't made an appearance in months! I wonder what they've been doing with all of their 'free time'...?
       I sigh and jump out of the van, Cry following suit. I drop my bag to the ground and pull out microphone while Cry gets the camera out of the trunk. Once we're all set up, we begin our broadcast.
       "Hello LA, my name is Sean McLoughlin from Warfstache News and I am live at the pier where Darkiplier and Bro have decided to show their faces after a months break. The pier is in complete chaos; there are people running around everywhere, people are even go as far as to jump off if the docks to escape this mayhem! Will Markiplier and Bro save the day as they always do or does Darkiplier and Bro have some sort of trick up their sleeves? Stay tuned to find out!" I quickly say into the microphone. As Ken always says, speed is key!
       "Aaaaaaand we're do-uhhhhhh..." Cry starts until his whole body goes pale. "What?" I ask, but my question is quickly answered when I feel a firm hand on my shoulder. "You two aren't done just yet~" A cold voice says from behind me. A cold shiver runs down my spine as I slowly turn around to see none other than Darkiplier. "Hello there~ It's nice to finally meet you~" He snickers before spinning me around, grabbing my microphone, and holding my hands behind my back.
       Suddenly, Bro appears behind Cry and grabs him, earning a startled squeak. "Is the camera ready?" Dark asks. "It is now. Our Virus just hacked into the system, so this will broadcast on every single TV channel." Bro explains before the red light on the camera blinks, signifying that we're now live.
      "Hello, Markiplier and Pewdiepie. If you want this man and his little buddy behind the camera back in one piece, you two will surrender yourselves to us immediately. If you don't comply within the next twenty four hours, we'll have to go to more extreme measures~" Darkiplier bargains, tightening his grip on my wrists. I grit my teeth in pain as I try my best to loosen his grip on me to no avail.
       The red light turns off as the broadcast ends, stupid grins resting on both of their faces. "Alright, we need to get you two back to our base, so we're going to let you two decide how you get there: the easy way or the hard way?" Bro question darkly. "How about our way?" A familiar voice rings. We all turn our heads to see none other than Markiplier flying towards us. "Yeah, our way is ten times more awesome than yours~" Pewdiepie says from atop the news van.
       Darkiplier's grip on me loosens at the sight, giving me an idea. "Come any closer and the reporter gets it!" Darkiplier threatens. With that, I break from his hold and stumble forward. "Get em', Markiplier!" I shout once I steady myself. He gives me a warm smile before attacking Dark. Bro growls in annoyance as he glares at me. "C'mere, you little shit!" He huffs, releasing one of Cry's hands so he can try to grab mine. Just as Bro releases one of his hands, Cry elbows him in the jaw. "Ouch! You fucker!" He curses before accidentally letting Cry's other hand go. Pewdiepie takes this as a chance to attack, leaving Cry and I to watch the whole scene go down.

(Before I go into the next chapter, I'm going to explain Tiny Box Tim's role in the story so you won't be confused. Tiny Box Tim works like a Pokéball. He can contain anyone for a certain amount of time before he has to stop and rest. The strength and power of the person determines how long they'll be stuck in the box ^)

My Superhero Love Story   -SeptiplierWhere stories live. Discover now