Chapter Four: The Hyper Active Proctor

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Forsaken Innocence

Chapter Four: The Hyper Active Proctor

I breathed out, quickly reading over the first question. My eyes slightly widened. There was no way any of us could ever begin to answer this level of test, correctly. As I read through, I noticed the questions got harder as the test progressed. I’m not sure if most jounin could answer this.

I took a second to quickly glance around the room. By the looks of things, kids were already ready to rip there hair out. I sighed, running a quick hand through my hair. They were encouraging cheating, as long as you didn’t get caught. Sooner or later the others would realize this, as well.

The proctor mentioned something about a last question that meant passing or failing. Sounds good enough. Seems as if I was waiting this one out.


Time passed by very slowly for me. At least 15 kids got kicked out, caught cheating. I rolled my eyes. It was their own fault for making it so obvious. They didn’t deserve to be chunin. By then, time was up.

“Time’s up!” The proctor called, “it’s time for the last question. You’ll be answering it on your own risk. Despite the results you receive on the test, if you don’t answer this last one correctly, you fail the entire exam. Not only that, but you also will not be aloud to re-take it. That goes for the entire squad. But, if you don’t want to risk it, you could always leave. You’d fail, but would be permitted to take it next year. “

People raised their hand, and then their names were called; symbolizing their fail. People were leaving, scared of the outcome. People these days just didn’t have the guts. What’s being a ninja without taking risks?

The proctor looked dissatisfied as he looked around the room. Not even half of us were gone, yet. How many more had to leave before we could move on?

“You’ll be stuck at genin for the rest of your life, if you fail this. Do you really want to carry around such a demeaning title when you’re older, that is meant for children with little next to no skill?” tension filled the air as the kids started getting anxious. I, on the other hand, couldn’t care either way. I would do whatever it took to be among the greatest, even if I had to do it as a genin.

Several more left. One-third of the room now remained. I laid my head on the table, waiting. This was dragging on for forever. I peeked over at Sasuke. As per usual, his face was emotionless. He looked beyond bored, and I couldn’t say that I blamed him. I could think of so many more4 interesting things than this.

“Anyone else?”

Naruto slammed his hand on the table, scaring me out of my wits. Not that I have very many to begin with. “You can’t scare me off! I don’t care if I’m genin for the rest of my life; there is no way that’ll stop me! I’ll still get stronger, and I will become the Hokage someday. Believe it!” He growled, fiercely. As always, Naruto’s words seemed to give everyone hope; confidence. Giving them that extra push to say, to take a chance.

The proctor now smirked, gazing around the room. “You all passed.” Confusion arose. But, before he could say anything else, or even begin to explain his actions, another ninja came crashing through the nearby window; spraying glass throughout the room.

“I’m your proctor for the second part of the exam!” She yelled out, smiling her brightest. This one was going to be obnoxious, no doubt. The first proctor rubbed the back of his head, awkwardly. “You’re early, again. I wasn’t finished.”

The woman looked back at us, and froze. “Well, this is awkward.” She let out a shaky laugh. “Oh, well. You live, you learn. Now, to the Forest of Death!” She posed much like a superhero would, before jumping out of the broken window. Were we expected to actually follow her? She was mad!

“She’s worse than Naruto.” Michiko huffed. I nodded my head, in agreement.

“You would think adults were more mature…” She snorted, “Some people never change, I suppose.”


We were surrounded around a particularly scary looking forest, with high wired fence wrapped completely around it. Instead of listening to what she actually said, I assessed my competition. Most I knew I could easily defeat. But, that didn’t outweigh the possibility of being defeated. Sasuke stood beside me, his arm firmly around my waist; for support. He didn’t seem in the slightest worried. Typical Sasuke.

“Do you think we can make this out, alive?” I worried, “I already know what it’s like to loose you, I don’t want that to ever happen, again.”

He gave me a pained smile. “Don’t worry about me. We’ll make it out, together. I just want you to take care of yourself out there.”

“But, I--”

“I don’t know what it’s like to loose you, and that’s one experience I could live without. Promise me that if it comes down to it, you’ll save yourself.”

I grimaced. I didn’t like this, not at all. “Okay,” I nodded. “If you’re not in any immediate danger, that is.”

He blew out, rolling his eyes. “Why are you so difficult?”

“Why are you so unreasonable?”

He squeezed my side. “Reasonable enough.” Now, it was my turn to roll my eyes. “Whatever lets you sleep at night.”

“Be quiet.” He smirked. I stuck my tongue out at him, returning my attention to the childish proctor. In doing so, I was just able to catch a really creepy girl hand the proctor back a kunai…with her freakishly long tongue.

My body shivered in disgust at the sight. She doesn’t know where that kunai has been! Not only was she disgusting, but something about her was off. Except for the fact that she likes to pick up other people’s belongings with her gross tongue. Her aurora was off. She seemed…evil.

Not only that, but she resembled a snake, which was never a good thing. I mean, has this girl ever invested in lotion? I doubt she’s ever even heard of the product.

I stood closer to Sasuke, wanting to feel the safety of his embrace. I could tell he felt it, too. The creepiness of the freak. He didn’t question me, just held me closer, staring at the strange girl that ever-so-slightly resembled a snake. “Sasuke,” I whispered, “stay away from that girl.” He looked at me strangely, but nodded.

If only you had listened to me…


I seriously thought I’d never finish that freaking chapter. I’ve had the whole thing written, it was just the actually typing… -________-

TooLazyForMyOwnGood, not only that, but I took 30min breaks in-between each chapter to stare blankly at the wall.-. Cooool.

Speaking of exams. Guess who failed her science exam, and now has a 66 F in that class? THIS GIRL. Lucky me-__________- Other than that, I hoped you enjoyed this (;


Happy Readings~!

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