Chapter Thirteen: Sasuke's Departure

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Forsaken Innocence

Chapter Thirteen: Sasuke’s Departure 

I breathed out in contentment, falling backwards onto Sasuke’s bed. Is this what heaven is?

“You seem unnaturally happy,” Sasuke observed, sitting down beside me. He seriously couldn’t even begin to comprehend how good it felt to be back here, in his tiny apartment. I completely relaxed my body, snuggling deeper into the sheets, all the while a huge smile was plastered onto my face. Nothing could compare to this. 

The next month was going to be complete bliss. While everyone was working their asses of, and training for the final round in the exams, I would be lazing it up. The entire month.

I was suddenly ripped down from my all time high, my mood swiftly changing. It was true that I could take it easy for the next month, and lounge around the house, but Sasuke would also be gone. For that entire month. My smile hastily faded as my mood soured.

“What’s wrong?” Sasuke asked, brushing my hair out of my face. 

“When do you leave?” I queried, my throat seeming to tighten. It’s not like I wouldn’t ever see him, again. But, what was I supposed to do in the time he was gone? What did I even do before me and Sasuke happened?

Sasuke sighed, checking the clock. “Kakashi said for me to meet him in about an hour. But, knowing him, I’ll probably be waiting for a few hours.”

“Oh,” I let my eyes drop, fiddling with my fingers. Even with Sasuke sitting right next to me, I had begun to feel lonely. I couldn’t even begin to imagine what I would do if he just decided to leave, one day. For good, that is.

“Do you mind if I wait for you?” I blushed, feeling like we had started over, like our relationship had begun anew--just blossoming. Really, it was silly to be acting like such an innocent school girl around Sasuke, of all people. Especially since this shy attitude I had developed was definitely not my style.

He shrugged, giving me a cheeky grin. “I’d like that.”

~          ~         ~

I groaned, hitting my head against the railing. Kakashi was, as always, late. It’s not like I wanted Sasuke to leave. Quite the contrary, actually. It’s just that I hadn’t counted on it being so hot. Nor did I think I would be this hungry. 

“You wanted to come,” Sasuke mumbled. I was agitated beyond belief, and his little snide comments weren’t helping with the matter. He looked perfect--as always. Whereas, I probably looked like a dying pig. Why wasn’t the heat affecting him? He wasn’t even sweaty!

“How can you not be hot? You’re wearing nothing but black!” I yelled. It wasn’t fair.

He shrugged, pursing his lips. “You could always go back home, you know. Nothing’s keeping you here.”

I frowned, lightly hitting his shoulder. “I’ll miss you, you know.” He looked at me from the corner of his eye, presenting his signature smirk.

“Is that so?” I earnestly nodded, feeling a bit uneasy.  There was no way he was up to any good. Not with that look.

He moved closer to my body, resting his hands on my hips, and his forehead against mine. I gulped, moving my eyes between his black orbs. This was the normal, cocky Sasuke I knew. But, even so, I could sense a change in him. Even if he, himself, didn’t notice it, yet. It bothered me, to say the least.

“A lot?”

I nodded, again, precarious of the boy holding me.  And, before I even had time to register what was happening, I was no longer standing on the sturdy platform of the bridge. Rather, suspended in air, the water under me ready to break my fall. Unable to do anything else, I quickly sucked in air, letting the cool water engulf me. Well, at least I wasn’t hot, anymore.

“How’s the water?” He chuckled, as I splashed the surface, not in the least happy with the raven haired boy. That was dirty.

“That wasn’t very nice,” I pouted, folding my arms over my chest. Sasuke rolled his eyes, holding his hand out to pull me up. Well, he’s stupider than he looks.

I smiled, reaching towards his hand. And, when our palms connected, I yanked him down towards me, eagerly awaiting for him to be as soaked as I was.

But, much to my dismay, the much anticipated splash never came. Only the steady tapping of his foot. 

“That’s not fair!” I cried out. Sasuke had thought faster than me, and used his perfect chakra control to gracefully land atop the water, not in it. “You could’ve played along.”

He snorted, kneeling down in front of me, carefully tracing my jaw line with his finger. “Where’s the fun in that?”

“Okay, kiddos, break it up.” Kakashi said, sounding more dulled out than usual. I guess there was only so many times you had to tell a couple to stop before it got tiresome. 

Sasuke rolled his eyes, quickly pecking my lips. “I’ll miss you, too, you know.”

~           ~          ~

“Why are you so wet?” Michiko giggled. I groaned, trying my best to wring all of the water out of my clothes. Although, my efforts didn’t seem to be very effective.

“Sasuke pushed me off of the bridge.” She laughed harder, now, never once missing the opportunity to make fun of me. 

“Where is he, anyways?” She asked, after ten minutes of recovering. Why did I even bother with her?

“He went off to train with Kakashi. He’ll be fighting Gaara in the final round.” Both of Michiko’s slender, blue eyebrows shot up, completely caught off guard.

“No way!” She hit my shoulder, “No freaking way!” I shrugged, dodging her next attack.

Michiko chewed on her nails, shooting me worried glances. “He’s strong, y’know.” 


She shook her head, “Gaara. You didn’t see his fight against Lee.”

“What? How was it?” I pressed. It was definitely obvious who had won, but a bit unbelievable. Lee had single handedly beat Sasuke. As if it were nothing. Just how strong with this sand shinobi?



Dododod. Trying to upload as much as possible because it’s my two year anniversary on watt pad (:

DID YOU GUYS HEAR ABOUT SASSY SASUKE?! Asdfghjkl; I cant take him seriously anymore. I almost accidentally wrote that personality, instead.

Hitomi: How are you not hot?

Sasuke: -flips hair- Bitch, please, I’m flawless. Omg. How would you guys feel if I did an alternative universe thing for this story? XD Just like one chapter or something. In honor of the new movie xx 

Sasuke: -comes home-

Hitomi: -throws half eaten tomato at him- lol. That was the last tomato.

Sasuke: NOOOO~!

Hitomi: Also, you look weird with tomato all down your shirt.

Sasuke: -clicks fingers and does diva head movement- Bitch, please. I AM FAB-U-LOUS ß omg. Me and Jess’s conversation last night. Almost died.

I’ll stop ranting, now xD 

Happy Readings~!

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