Chapter Six: Sweet Agony

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Forsaken Innocence

Chapter Six: Sweet Agony 

Pain. That’s what I was feeling, now. What was going on? One, two, three sharp blows into my side. I groaned, sitting up. Yet, the blows didn’t stop.

“You can stop kicking me, I’m awake, now.” Naruto stopped mid kick, surprised. When he noticed my glare, he stalked off in the other direction, anger as plain as day on his childish face. I huffed, blowing out rather loudly. He had no right to be mad at me when he was the one ruthlessly kicking me in my side.

“Good morning~!” Sakura sung, brushing through her hair. A huge smile was plastered on her face as she acted as if this day couldn’t possibly get any better.

“Just because I was nice for one night, doesn’t mean we’re friends. Stop looking at me like that.” I replied, praying everything would go back to normal before I went insane.

Sasuke came into view, then, bearing freshly caught fish from the nearby river. Oh, how I longed for freshly cooked food. Living on bagged chips just wasn’t the same, nor was it as filling.

“Oh, Sasuke! That looks absolutely delightful!” Sakura ran to him, taking the fish. “This should make for a good meal.” She inspected, readying them for the burning fire. Well, at least she was good for something. You wouldn’t catch me cooking.

Looking at Sasuke, now, it seemed as if the walls he had built were back up. Everything I worked so hard towards just vanished. The old Sasuke was back, and it was my fault. There he stood with his annoying emotionless mask, watching us as if we were beneath him. It made me want to rip my hair out.

I walked up to him until our bodies were close enough to touch, but kept a little space between us for his sake. He didn’t move, blink, anything. Just stared me in the face, giving me his infamous cold look.

“Sasuke…” I spoke, heart thrumming at the sound of his name. “Please…I’m sorry.” I felt like crying, my chest constricting in sweet agony. How could one person make you feel so many things at once?

“I thought you would be the one to understand,” His voice was soft, heartbroken.  It was killing me. “I thought you’d understand what I was going through. You’ve met the man that killed your parents. Doesn’t it feel better now that he’s dead?” He was searching my face, pleading with his eyes. He just wanted hope; wanted the pain to go away.

I couldn’t bear the empty void that had taken place of his eyes. And, right now, I would bet my life that he was feeling hollow; numb. Not only did that not ease the pain, it intensified it.

“It didn’t make a difference. They’re dead, and killing Zabuza didn’t change that. Even with him gone, he’s still just dead.” He was quiet, his arms limp at his sides. I stroked his face with my hand. “But, there are people to help ease the pain, Sasuke. If you just let them.”

His eyes were staring at something over my head, unseeing. He brushed past me, sulking into the forest. Even when trying to soothe, I seemed to only make the wound deeper. I sighed. There was no hope for me in the world.


A very load grumble was heard, echoing around the forest. “Naruto!” Sakura hissed. “Control that stomach of yours!”

“I can’t help it, I’m just so hungry.”

“You just ate, not even an hour ago!”

“I’m still hungry.” He moaned. Well, so much for finding another squad without being heard.

“You guys are the worst ninja I’ve ever met in my life.” I complained, sitting down on a near tree. Why were they such imbeciles?

“Everybody, shut up!” Sasuke growled. His eyes roamed the forest, almost desperately looking for something-- or someone.

“What is it, Sasuke?” Sakura stood with her eyes wide, looking much like a defenseless child. Most of the time, this was exactly the stance she took up when faced with danger. Arms held protectively in front of her chest, crouched over.

“Just, be quiet.” Things were abnormally still, especially in the middle of a usually lively forest. It was uncanny. We stayed alert, feelings much like animals caged in by hunters.

For several long moments, nothing happened, making us all more paranoid than we already were.

“Look at you all,” An unidentified voice spoke, giggling like a madman. “You should see your faces.” Before I even had the chance to look in the direction the voice came from, a katana was pressed against my neck from behind.

“You especially have a pretty face.” It purred, slowly stroking my cheek. I shivered under the touch, more or less mortified.

“Get your hands off of her,” Sasuke snarled at the she-male behind me, activating his sharingan. It mused behind me, pressing harder on the blade. In result, a thin trickle of blood ran down from the wound, making Sasuke madder.

“I’m sorry, does this make you mad?” A very long, disgusting tongue ran from the base of my neck up to my cheek. It took everything in me not to scream. Only now did I realize it was that girl from yesterday, with the freakishly long tongue.

I shuddered, trying my best not to vomit. There is no way that this ho just licked me. Sasuke growled in frustration, quickly disappearing. Before my mind could register what was happening, I was out of the she-male’s grasp, and in Sasuke’s. Until this moment, I had never realized how fast he was.

“Sasuke…” I trailed off. I didn’t know where I stood with him, anymore. He gave me a quick glance before focusing on the enemy. “Don’t,” he shook his head, racing off to fight.

No matter how hard he tried, Sasuke couldn’t land a hit on her. Even with Naruto’s help. She easily anticipated their movements. And, in less than five moments, they were both flat on their backs.

Was she really that strong ?

She was hardly trying, and had taken out both boys. And, yet, even with it played out right before my eyes, I didn’t believe it. I do believe that the she-male was stronger than Zabuza. If that was the case, we had no hope.

“Sakura,” I tapped the pinkette’s shoulder. “We have to help them.” Her eyes widened considerably large, taking up most of the space on her face.

“Are you crazy? Sasuke couldn’t touch her. What makes you think that we actually have a chance?”

I rolled my eyes. So, so pathetic. “You never know if you don’t try.” With that said, I engaged into my attack. Not very thought out, but worth a shot.

Unluckily, everything I threw at the woman, she dodged. Not only was it extremely frustrating to where you wanted to punch a baby in the eye, it was also very tiring. She laughed menacingly, mocking me.

“I’ll have to admit, kid. You have guts.” Just liked before, she was holding me against my will. Only this time, she had her hold around my throat. Cutting off my airway system, making it extremely difficult to actually breathe. “But, unfortunately, you have to have actual skill to defeat me. Something that you are seriously lacking. Although, I have to admit, you are better than that blonde headed kid. You might be useful, yet.” I struggled against her hold, barely registering the words coming out of her mouth.

Why was I so useless?


Screaming. I was surrounded by screaming. My eyes snapped open, looking for the source. There was no doubt in my mind that that was Sasuke’s scream. But, where was I?

I could only see darkness. Not only that, but I couldn’t move my body. My mouth had been gagged, and now would be a great time to panic.

The last thing I remembered was that it was holding me by my throat. I must have passed out from the lack of air. But, how long have I been out for? I was on full scale panic, now. Sasuke’s screams still reverberating throughout the air.

I had to save him. 


Jeez, Oruchimaru. Y U SO PEDOHPHILE-ISH ?! 

>,< So creepy. Anywho, COMMENT&&VOTE&&FAN? (:

Happy Readings~!

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