Chapter Nine: His Muse

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Forsaken Innocence

Chapter Nine: His Muse

I woke up the next day in Sasuke’s arms, being slightly bounced to the steady pace of his walking. I yawned tiredly, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. “Where we going?” Sasuke briefly glanced at me, his face emotionless. “To find a scroll.”

There was a sinking sensation in my chest as I realized today was our last day. Most ninja had either gotten to their destination, or were already dead. Either way, we were stuck in the in between. The next few hours were to deem us as passing or failing. Let’s just say the odds weren’t entirely in our favor.

I made a face, showing how displeased I was. This whole thing was proving to be a big mess. Absolutely horrid. Especially with the tremor of pain constantly running through my body. 

“Sasuke, how are you feeling?” I asked, voice low. He shrugged. “Would I have any reason to feel anything but fine?”

My voice dropped down lower, barely audible over the scuffle of his shoes. “What about your curse mark?” He faltered, deliberately slowing down, letting the others get ahead of us. 

He set me down, steadying me on my feet. Sasuke then, took my face in his hands, letting his mask drop. Fear was clear as day on his features. “What do you know, Hitomi?”

I shook my head, not sure where all of this was coming from. “I- .. Nothing. I’m not even sure how I got into this mess.”  I ran my hand through my hair, letting out a sarcastic chuckle. I felt as if I was going mad. And, considering circumstances, who’s to say I wasn’t? “All I know is that…that bastard! bit me.” I stretched the collar of my shirt, showing off the mark.

His eyes portrayed no emotion as he stared at the horrid thing on my neck, his own hand reaching instinctively to the exact spot on his own neck. His mouth, however, showed me the displeasure he was feeling, tilting into an all too familiar frown. If I didn’t know better, I’d say Sasuke looked envious of me. But, that was the problem. I didn’t know better.

He stepped forward, bending his face down to my neck. His hand gingerly stroked the tender spot, Sasuke’s breath soothing it. The bliss flowed through my veins, momentarily relieving me of the pain. I shivered, making him come back from wherever his dark thoughts took him. Sasuke resumed our earlier position, as he issued a huge step backwards between us. I couldn’t stop the pain from radiating throughout my chest, as I felt a growing hole there. Why was he suddenly so reluctant to touch me? To be near? Things were taking a sudden change for the worse, leaving me an empty sensation.

Naruto yelled for us, making sure to fit in as many insults before Sakura got the chance to hit him. Sasuke sighed, rolling his eyes.

“Are you okay to walk on your own?” It was clear to me that either way, he wasn’t willing to touch me, again. I glared at him icily, making my voice as hard and cold as his attitude. “I’m fine.”

Despite the bravado I put on, after a few quick steps, I feel to my demise. Completely shattering my act.


Naruto was supporting most of my weight, due to the recent twisting of my ankle. Let’s just say he wasn’t the happiest of people to be given such a burden. Nonetheless, his touch was warm, comforting. It had this home-y feel to it, on the I’ve missed- dearly.

Kabuto was going over some strategies, but I was too lost in my own world to notice. I risked a quick peek towards Naruto, seriously starting to miss that one special smile he reserved for me. I hated having him suddenly ripped away from me. For a reason that I didn’t even know of. 

I felt Sasuke’s glare boring into my back, burning holes. But, I did my best to ignore it. It was obvious to me now that it wasn’t Naruto I had to worry about putting my trust in. It was Sasuke. My own boyfriend. After all we’ve been through, he chooses now to show how selfish he was.

How could I have not noticed sooner?

Despite the Uchiha’s obvious flaws being shoved in my face, and crammed down my throat- with not enough redeeming qualities to balance them out - I still couldn’t help but to think that he was absolutely perfect. We all paled in comparison to him. So, why did he have this overriding need to prove he was worth it? To constantly remind us of our clear imperfections, when his weren’t as noticeable.

If anyone had the right to be jealous, it was me.

“Naruto, can I ask you a question?” My face burned, not quite sure on how he would react. I guess now wasn’t the best time to ask, considering our positions. But, now would be the only time I would probably get this close to him. Especially considering that my boyfriend was the overbearing jealous type, and Naruto couldn’t stand him. But, in all truths, it was Sasuke’s own fault what would occur in moment’s due time. He was the one that volunteered me to Naruto.

Naruto’s shoulders raised, only to slump back down, again.  Sighing, I knew this was the only reaction I was going to get out of him. And here I thought no one could be as difficult as Sasuke. Well, not entirely.

“Why do you hate me?” My chest constricted, not liking the truth to be realized aloud. Somehow, I thought that if it was left unsaid, it wasn’t real. But, Naruto’s actions spoke in volumes, letting me realize- every time- just how unwanted I was around the spastic boy. Quite frankly, I wasn’t sure if I could keep this up. Dealing with the pain like this, all built up inside of me, ready to burst open at the seams any moment, now. Stay composed, you can keep yourself together.

Naruto’s reaction was not what I had been anticipating. The one that I had been dreading. Instead, there was a hearty laugh that filled that air, reverberating off of the trees. “I don’t hate you,” he stopped momentarily to glare at Sasuke, “it’s him.”

For some reason, this hurt as much as if he would have said that he hated me, instead. He didn’t approve of my relationship. And, when your best friend becomes your own family, you kind of thrive on their acceptance. Disappointment filled my lungs, burning as it came out. Something screamed at me from the pit of my stomach, telling me it wasn’t meant to be like this. It’s not supposed to be like this.

When he hugged me, it felt different. Naruto was as jubilant as always, but something seemed off. It wasn’t going to be that easy.

I watched Sasuke’s face turn into a scowl, as he watched us together. It was him I’d rather be embracing. It was him that I’d rather feel against my body, arms hanging tightly around my waist, face burrowed in my neck.

But, instead, it was Naruto. He breathed in my scent, as if addiction was taking over and he hadn’t had his hit in weeks. It made me feel as if he was intruding on private property … Sasuke’s property. 

Naruto breathed out a chuckle, shame hidden behind his light blue eyes. He was disappointed, my reactions not quite satisfying him. “It’s worth a shot, I s’pose.” He muttered mainly to himself, suddenly becoming very self conscious.

“Naruto…?” I asked wearily. Mischief was forming, leaving me its victim. Taking the distraction top his own personal advantage, he headily planted a firm kiss on my lips; leaving me petrified with shock. His warm lips caressed mine, gently, but forcefully.

Yet, I didn’t try to stop it.


DUN DUN DUN. I’m sorry I don’t upload often. </3 School does that to you :/ 

O__O But, seriously, that even surprised me ! XD What do you think ? K Tell me your reaction (; IT INTEREST ME.


Happy Readings~!♥

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