Let's Visit the Mangaka (Rohan Kishibe x Reader)

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A sunny and bright Morioh gave you the mood of going to the local library.

Usually as a college student you'd be checking out biology books and whatnot, but today you decided to hang out by the graphic novel section. You scanned the names of the manga, until one caught your eye.

"Pink Dark Boy" was the name. You read a first few pages of the manga, and suddenly you were very interested in what was going to happen next, and after that. Better off, you decided to buy the book, along with other volumes as well.


"Um, are you Kishibe Rohan? If like to know if I could get an autograph...?"

It wasn't immediately when you heard a reply, but soon after you heard a response.

"Of course. Please come in." Rohan put a smile on his face while opening the door fully to let you in.

You walked into his house. It was well furnished, neat and tidy. Something you'd expect.

"Well then, the autograph papers are in my room. Would you like to have a tour around my house?" Rohan suggested.

"I'd love to!"
You exclaimed. Rohan simply smiled and guided you around his house, talking about the things he had around.


After a while, you finally made it to Rohan's room where he made his manga. your eyes scan the desk in amazement, unknowing the fact that Rohan had locked the door.

Suddenly, everything went black.


"let's see, (last name) (first name).....ect...ect..."

Then suddenly everything went back to normal.

Rohan turned to look at you. "You may not know what this means, but I used Heaven's Door to take a look at your life, and to be honest, you seem pretty interesting. I'm sure people would like a character like you in my manga." He explained.

With a smirk, he grabbed your wrist. "I'll be keeping you for a while."

Just then, your friend Josuke came into the room by Rohan's window.

"I saw what you did!" He exclaimed.

Rohan stared in shock. "W-What are you doing here?"

Josuke ignored him. "What I saw proves that you can't even land a date without using Heaven's Door!" Josuke snorted with laughter, so hard he fell out of the window.

Rohan clenched his teeth in anger. No one could be rude to the mighty Kishibe Rohan and get away with it! You already knew what was going on though, and you saw the perfect opportunity.

You pulled him down and gave him a kiss.

Rohan, at first was utterly surprised, but soon gave in and started returning the kiss, pushing his tongue into your mouth, softly and sweetly.


After that, you and Rohan were a couple. Everyone was surprised that Rohan managed to get a date, but nowhere on you was written "I will fall in love with Kishibe Rohan." But to everyone, it seemed like so, because you in fact, has fallen in love with Kishibe Rohan.

Thank you for being patient, guys. I'm sorry that I update so slow! First things first, i really didn't expect a lot of people to comment on here, turns out there were way more request than i thought! Second, being an both an artist and a gamer takes away a lot of time for writing oneshots (let alone the writers block I have) so I'd like to thank you guys for being patient with me. I hope you've enjoyed this story, and I'll try my best to update more often!

 I hope you've enjoyed this story, and I'll try my best to update more often!

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