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\emmas POV/
When Dan and Phil leave I scream, how could they want me, a loser
I hugged Bo I was so happy. Them Bo stood up and started jumping up and Down. "we're going to live with Dan and Phil." Bo said
"And,they called you bo."
"We should get out shit together." Bo said
|bo's POV|
I am so excited I started jumping up and down
"We're going to live with Dan and Phil!" I sing.
"And,they called you Bo!" Emma said
"We should get our shit together."I say
Emma goes back to her room and I pack up all of my band posters pictures of YouTubers that I printed in the library at school. After that I look at the clock 10:00 I decide to go to sleep
|le time skip| • >•
Dans POV
I wake up and Phil isn't in the bed I assume he's in the kitchen so I go into the kitchen (obviously)
He isn't
I get scared so I yell out
"Phil, phil!"
"I'm in the shower!" I hear Phil say
"Oh sorry."I say
I go in the Kitchen and grab some cereal and get and Phil are ready to go
"I'm scared" phil say as we get in the taxi
"Don't be" I replied grabbing Phils hand
Bo's POV
I sat on Emmas bed I looked over to her she was smiling as she watched Dan and Phil
"Did Mel tell you that there together?"I asked
"No?! What, phan is real"she completely freaked out
"Shhhh!" I said
"Ok,sorry." She said smiling
"It's fine,I just don't know if they want everyone to know." I responded
Mel came in the room
"The two men are here" she smiled. Me and Emma jumped up I went into my room and grabbed my stuff and looked around my room it looked so empty. I left and we walked to the front we both hugged Dan and Phil
"Ready," Phil said
"Yes." Me and Emma said at the same time.
Then Jessica walked up
"Bye tranny fuck." She said
"Bye bitch!" I said waving as we left

Transgender (adopted by Phan)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя