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Bo and Emma are playing 1,2 switch on the Nintendo switch, yelling and making a lot of noise. Dan and Phil walks in and we quiet down a bit.
"Hey,um can you guys stop after this round." Dan asked politely and waits, checking his phone to twitter to pass the time until they finish.
Bo sits down on the couch next to dan, Emma turned off the switch and did the same.
"What's up YouTube power couple." Emma poked him. Phil blushed.
"How do you feel about dogs?" Dan asked.
"Who doesn't like dogs?" Emma asked
"People with no souls Emma." Bo said
"How would you like to have a dog?" Phil asked,"I wanted a hamster bu-"
"NO" Bo cut him off, "I don't want the window of opportunity to open and the hat fic happening, I'm not saying that you would do that" Bo motioned to dan"but I don't even want that to even be a possibility."
"Back to the dog..." dan said slowly, "what do would you guys want?"he asked
"Pitbull!" They both said together.
"Oh and can we get them from a shelter?" Bo asked
"I don't see why not." Dan replied, they
were planning on doing that's anyway.

"you guys wanna go now?" Phil asked.

"yeah." Emma said and Bo

"Do you wanna vlog it?" dan asked

"I dont see why not"

 "hey guys so today we're getting a dog!" Phil said with excitement

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"hey guys so today we're getting a dog!" Phil said with excitement.
"Phil say it right it's a pupper" dan joking corrects Phil. To witch Phil rolls his eyes.

"The kids are getting ready and then we'll leave" Phil Turns the camera to Phil and asks dan "are you as excited as I am"

"Hell yes" dan answers with a smile looking at phil.

Bo walks in wearing

Bo walks in wearing

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And emma wearing

 And emma wearing

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"Swaggy" dan compliments then then Phil gets a taxi and then we all pile in to the taxi.
Phil starts gets his camera

"We're almost there are you guys excited" he point the camera to bo and emma
"YES!" Bo pretty much yells while emma just nods.

When we get there we go into the "dog" area
"Can I see the camera so I can try to do some artsy filming" Bo asks
"Yeah" Phil said and hands the camera to bo
He films down the hall the dogs jumping up and barking as if they were saying "pick me! Pick me!" Bo smiles to himself.

"Guys look" dan snaps Bo out of his trance, pointing to a dog

Phil picks up their little information paper"It says his name is widget" he says

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Phil picks up their little information paper
"It says his name is widget" he says

"He's so adorable!!"Emma jumps
A volunteer comes up to us "you guys need help with anything.
"Um yeah" dan says turns to the lady "can we like see this dog, we're looking to adopt"
"That's awesome um just let me go get someone who can do that, stay here" she says with a smile on her face
"Thank you"dan says as she leaves
✨✨✨💫to be continued 💫✨✨✨

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