ten :: date

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| 6:23 pm |
Incoming call, Bruce Wayne


Hey Bruce, did you get my

Yeah, I did. Would you
like to go out tonight?

I'd love to!
Do you want me
to meet you

I can pick you up..?

Oh I don't
think that's
the best idea.

Bruce rubbed his forehead, he'd hoped to get a home location in case the plan for the Warehouse failed...

Okay, how about we meet
at Italiano's? At eight?

Okay, sounds good,
see you there!

| 6:26 pm |
Call ended

6:30 pm
The Warehouse

Winnie went to the back and changed into a set of clothes she always left at work. It was a simple white mini dress. She pulled on her nude heels and fixed her hair. Jack walked into the dressing room.

"You never wear white." He pointed out. She looked at him.

"I have a date." She said.

"With who? May I ask?"

"Bruce Wayne."

"Good for you." He said genuinely. "Winnie, in all seriousness, be careful tonight. Billionaires and playboys can be assholes and I just don't want you to get hurt." He said.

"I know, thank you Jack." She said, smiling. "I better get going, I need to grab a few things from the apartment."

When she left, Jack grabbed the phone and dialed Harley's phone number. She didn't answer, of course, and would probably be listening to the message on repeat later that night just to hear his voice.

"Har it's me, Jack. I just wanted to say I don't want to go through with the full plan. Winnie will get the money, and I hope you'll be there to help. But please do not pull the tragedy we discussed. I don't want to cut the cord on her yet."

He hung up the phone without another thought.

Winnie went home, did her hair and makeup, and went to get in a taxi. She met Bruce at exactly eight o'clock at Italiano's.

"Good evening," he smiled, pulling her chair out to sit.

"Evening, Bruce. I'm glad I got my date."

"Me too." The food was brought and they began to eat.

"So tell me, do you normal go to strip clubs and agree to dates with the bosses?"

"No," he chuckled, lightening the mood, "You're a special exception."

"I feel so honored," sarcasm laced her words ever so lightly.

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