seventeen :: restrain

31 0 0

1:35 am
Arkham Guest Services

"He has a right to meet with guests, dammit!" she yelled hoarsely at the night guard.

He licked the donut frosting off his fingers and put down his paper.

"Listen lady," he stood, towering over her in both height and weight, "Visiting hours are over."

She dropped the black wrap from her hair. He instantly recognized her face.

"The Spade-"

"You're going to set up a visitation so that I can meet with my employer, the Joker," she crossed her arms, "Do you understand?"

"Yes, miss," he stuttered, disappearing behind metal doors to retrieve the villain.

She rolled her eyes. Good guys are so exhausting sometimes.

He appeared again, careful not to leave her waiting. "Come with me," He smiled out of fear.

He escorted her to a room with four metal walls with a ban of glass covering the perimeter. The glass, a window of sorts, was about five feet off the ground to seven.

"Here you are. You have thirty minutes. I will be in the front when you're finished," he left. She opened the vaulted door and closed it behind her.

Jack looked the same. Except now his eye was blackened, and the vein in it popped; causing half of the whites to be red.

She lost her posture, which had been causing constant pain.

She held her ribs as she walked to the chain.

"My darling Winnie, what happened to you? To me?" he paused and whispered worriedly, "To Harley?"

"Batman," she paused, "Batman - you knew he was Bruce. You didn't tell me." She stopped and refocused. "He knocked you unconscious. Harley paid us a visit-"

"So she did come! She does love me!" he was giddy, joyous. He clasped his restrained hands. What came next would hurt. She sat down.

"She moved to push Bruce off the ledge but she pushed me instead. I fell. Bruce caught me within feet of the ground and this happened," she lifted her shirt so he could see her ribs.

"Bruce let you fall?"

"Bruce let me, Harley made me."

His smile frowned. It looked awkward with his scars.

"What did you come to see me for?" he asked finally. He sat back in his restraints.

"Let me run the Warehouse. Let me be Harley's boss. Give me the responsibility, Jack, until I can plan an escape."

"When though?"

"When the dust settles. I need Bruce to fix his tower, I need Harley to grow up, and I need to get us back on our feet," she paused, "Then I'll get you out of here and we'll end Bruce once and for all."

"Murder?" he purred the word out with delight. He was smiling again.

"No, not murder. Something far worse than death," she waited and laughed. "I'll show him what his gun-slinging has done to us." She laughed, and he did too. For a long time. And she thought of all the ways she could hurt Bruce.

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