Chapter 2

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Please read author note at end!

"Dad? Mom? YUFFIE!? Can you guys please pick up the pace here? I don't want to be late for an event like this!" I've been waiting at the door with my arms crossed for about five minutes that felt like twenty!

"Sweety? What did I say?" My mom softly replied to me. She was seriously caking on her make-up and taking more than enough time to put on her outfit. All I had to do was dress in compression shirt and shorts with my hair tide up, away from my face. Mentally swearing at the world, I was so overwhelmed that I wasn't going to pass, that I wanted to leave two hours early at first, but of course, one against three were not going to that.

"We want to make a good first impression for our prince and king!" Yuffie yelled at me from my bedroom that she was currently getting ready in.

"Yeah, me too! That's why I don't want to be LATE!" I yelled. A few moments after not getting a reply, my dad comes to me. "Would you like for me to go over a few things again?" My dad asked.

"Yes dad, please!" I said, too eager to listen to his confident words once more. We both took a seat on our couch in our living room. As we sat, my dad took my hands into his and gave a serious look. "You know that me and your mom love you very much.. right?" He asked and I nodded. "Of course! And I love you both very much too, I wouldn't trade you guy's for anything else." I was blessed to have such wonderful supporting and loving parents. At first, they didn't like the idea of their nine year old daughter saying that she wanted to fight and protect our people. They just thought it was just a phase that all children go through, wanting to be a super hero. But that wasn't the case for me. They saw how serious I was being about the topic, so a few months later, they decided to set me up for defense and combat classes. Then at the age of fifteen, I was already comfortable with handling weapons like knifes, light and middle weight swords. During the middle of that, I learned to use throwing knifes. Now, age seventeen, I'm partially okay with using a gun. My dad took a few lessons before so in case of anything happens to us, because of his awareness of all this chaos going around. It made us a little more safe now that there are guns in the house, so he taught me some tricks and tips on shooting a small pistol.

" I'm glad to hear that. I'm proud where you stand right now and I want you to know that whatever happens with you and the King, we will always be proud of you and what you have done to get this moment right now. The world is a dangerous place, be safe and cautious okay? You will see things you've never seen before, bad and good. You will lose things and people that have become apart of your life, be aware of that. You might not have a solid place to stay and sleep, you might be on the road the whole time, but always remember that you have a place called 'home' that you will always have.. and that's here, with your dad, mom, and all of your friends that will miss you and love you." My dad placed his hand on my shoulder and smiled. I gladly return a smile as I felt stinging to my eyes, signaling that tears were just about to fall. I hugged my dad as tight as I could for dear life, letting his words sink into my head.

"Thank you dad. Thank you for everything, I will remember everything that you said.. I promise to send letters or messages to you when I have the time, I promise!" Our sappy moment was ruined when you crashed her whole body onto us.

"AW! Group hug!" She said and threw her arms around our necks, pinching my cheeks in the process. "Yuffiee!" I groaned, shaking her off me.

"But [Name]!? I'm probably not going to see you again! I will miss you too much!" I smirked, "Yeah, cause no one else can deal with you, but me." I laughed at her and stood to go see my mom. "Yup! you're right!" She laughed with me.

"Go see your mom, she wants to give you something." My dad says. "I was just about to, I'll be back and be ready!" I warned. I met my mom in our bathroom, her putting away her make up and hair supplies. "Hi hunny, come with me to my room." She said. "Sure thing." I smiled at her and waited for her in the bed room. Right after me, she grabbed a soft baby pink colored necklace with a locket. "Turn around." She said. "What's this mom?" I asked while I looked at the neck lace being placed. I opened it to see a family picture of us three of us from our summer trip to Honolulu, Hawaii just earlier this year. "It's a picture of us together so you wont forget what we look like." She joked with a small laugh. "I would never! ..Thank you mom, you are making it seem like I'm leaving today! I don't even know if I am or when!" I hugged and kissed her cheek. She smiled and nodded. "I was excited to give you it and it does feel like you are leaving us.. you just grown up so fast, but you're still so young. I love you hunny, I wish you the best of luck today, we will be waiting for you and cheering you on." She raised a fist. "My daughter can kick butt!" I choked on my own spit at her silliness. "Heck yeah I can!" With hands on my hips I turned to walk out. "Come on Ma! We have to get going."

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