Chapter 3

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After about a whole five laps around the grassy fields, I beat Noctis at our little 'race'. I felt proud that I kicked his butt. I think I earn a reward!

Sweat dripped down from both of our heads while we had a small argument.

"Hey, you know I went easy on you.. right?" Noctis bluffed. "Haa! Yeah right! Don't get so mad because you got beat by a girl." I punched his armed and smiled. It flattened when I realize that I just punched the Prince. "Uh.. sorry Noct!" I stuttered. He faced me to give a playful grin. "For that punch that you just gave me? That was weak." I pouted at his response. "I wouldn't want to hurt you.." I whispered. "Huh?" He asked me.

We both were currently walking back to the King. As much as I hated and sucked at running, I don't think I've ever ran that fast in my life. "So Noct! What's my prize? For kicking your butt?" I teased. "I don't think we had a discussion about a prize." He said. "And? Come oon." I implied. He thought for a second, before we reached the king, he said "Dinner with me, here on Thursday at 8:00p.m." It was more of a demand than a question. I was shocked. (A/N: It's Monday right now!)

A night with the Prince?

-Little time skip please-

The Prince as been wonderful. I've always thought that the royal family would be a snobby disappointment. I was wrong of course. They were better than expected and Noctis made me feel like I was one of his close friends, I still get nervous around him, but I'm comfortable with him. I wanted to be around him. I met him just about 20 minutes ago but.. he's nice to be around, no wonder why all the girls go crazy about him. He's wonderful.

"Miss [Last Name] Now, I would like you to spare with Noctis in hand in hand combat." The king said. My eye's widen.


"Just because he is the Prince [Last Name] don't hold back. Noctis, just because she's a lady, don't go easy." He finished. Noctis gave us some space between us and looked at me. I was nervous once again, Noctis has been training more than me and been in real battles. I got in my stance.


We began circling each other, not knowing if I should make the first move or not, I had to play extra careful, knowing I'm facing a well trained fighter. All of a sudden, he came charging at me.

I managed to doge his attack, but right after there was another. I was able to block all of his attacks, but I wasn't getting any in. I finally decide to try. As I did, he took my arm and tried to twist it to my back, he failed as I managed to get under his arms and flip him over to his back. I heard him groan, then I stepped back, no longer wanting to continue. All of a sudden I was the one that was on the ground, on my tummy with both of my hands along with his knee on my back. I annoyingly let out a puff of air. I should of had expected that.

"Never let your guard down [Name]." I he said and let go.

He offered me a hand and I gladly accepted. Dusting off my clothes and pulling some fallen hair behind my ears. I stopped when I felt his hand grabbing my jaw to push it to the side.

"I'm sorry." He apologized. I pushed his hand away, not wanting the King to see us like this.

"I cut you." He said. "It's okay, it's not a big deal. I don't feel anything." I assured him, not wanting him to feel worried about me. "Just make sure you clean it when you get home so it wont be infected." I nodded and felt a blush on my cheeks. 'cute.' I said to myself.

"Well done [Name]. You managed to block all of his attacks. You're doing great so far." Complemented the King. "Thank you your highness." I bowed.

"Noctis, please take a seat." He ordered. I quietly let my eyes follow his figure as he walked away.

"In battle, you will most likely face more than one enemy. I will send five of my servants to battle you. Focus on you defense and keep doing well [Name] good luck." I nodded. "Yes your highness." I was happy that the King liked me. I was making my leader proud and that's all I ever wanted to accomplish, other than him accepting me to protect my Prince.

I looked back at Noctis to see a light baby pink tint in his eyes again. I gave him a confused look. When he blinked, it was gone. Not paying any mind to it, the servants came along in a line with kendo training swords. One handed a sword to me and they all spread around.


They all came charging at once. They were much easier to fight against, than Noctis.

-Ten minutes later- (A/N: sorry, not good at explaining these stuff.)

The King suddenly stopped us. I managed to not get a single hit on me.

"Very well. Your tests end here." He said. Already? I expected a full day of battling.

"I think I've seen enough, your father has spoken that you are more comfortable with handling a melee weapon than a gun. I shall write my report for you. As you wait, go back with your family and you will be escorted to have some tea in my waiting room. I will gladly meet your parents when I am done." I grinned. 'My parents and Yuffie get to meet the king!' I bowed once more. "Thank you for today your highness! I will await for you in the waiting room." I replied.

"Dad, may I go with her?" Noctis asked.

My mouth fell slightly opened. I looked at Noctis, then to the King. "Go ahead son." He replied.

Noctis gave me a nod and walked to where I was. "Let's go?" He asked, seeing that I wasn't moving. "Yeah.." My heart started to beat at a rapid pace. Why is he making me feel all cheesy so easily? As we walked, I looked to the ground. To shy to look at him once again.

"I think you did a good job [Name]. So did my dad.. soon, you will be working with me.. no doubts." He happily said. "Why are you so nice?" I asked him while looking at his too good looking face. He then cocked an eyebrow. "You want me to be mean?" He smirked. I turned to face forward. "No! I- nevermind." I let out a short laugh.

"So.. tell me? How it is out there?" I heard him sigh, but smile.

"Not always the best, but when you're out there with good friends by your can be enjoyable most of the time." He said. "My friends, the one that comes with me during missions, you'll meet them soon. You'll love them, promise."

"Yeah? I can't wait the-"

"[Name]!!!!!" Yuffie? Oh god she's running towards me.

"[Name]!!" She yelled again once she was closer to me. She jumped and clung onto me, her force sending me down onto my butt.


"Yuffie, turn around." I laughed. Noctis crossed his arms and looked at the hyper girl.

"WHY?-- O-oh..." She gazed at Noctis from the ground.

"Manners Yuffie." I said. "Right! ugh." She got up and bowed to the Prince. "Good evening Prince Noctis!" She said nervously. Noctis laughed again at the girl, making her face turn redder than a tomato.

"Are you saying that I'm hot?" My eyes widen. I covered my face, I felt so embarrassed for my poor friend. "What? EW no! [Name] told me you were!" She LIES. She laughed nervously when she saw my fuming face, so she ran back into the palace. Now I was the one embarrassed. "YAH YUFFIE!!" I screamed back at her. I hear Noctis chuckled. I blushed and walked ahead of him.

"That's quite a friend you got there." He says.

"Yeah, she's one of a kind."

(Chapter 3 END) words: 1396

Author's Note: Thank you for reading! If you want your answer to what happened with Prompto.. you have to wait until the end of this book! I already have everything planned out and I WILL have a second book for this! I will be dropping hints in the future chapters, so look out! Deeply sorry for any mistakes. I also made a new description and cover! yay. Thank you again, and talk to ya'll later! :)

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