Chapter 5

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I couldn't say anything.

This feeling is so annoying! He's always making me speechless and powerless under his gaze unintentionally, maybe? Don't know. He turned away and picked up the tray with our tea's. "No 'thanks'?" He asked as he walk towards the door. I opened it and nudge him. "You're not suppose to be talking like this."

We went to the waiting room and passed around the tea's. I took a seat next to Yuffie at the end and Noctis stood in front of the table, facing us. Noctis sent a horribly failed wink at my way, causing me to laugh. "What's funny hmm?" Asked Yuffie.
"Your face!"

"Hey! That's not nice you know?" She placed her tea down and stood with her hands on her hips. "Your point his?" I teased. Taking a sip. She groaned, "Why am I friends with you?"

"I already told you, I'm the only one that can deal with you." She sighed in defeat.

"I apologize for these two trouble makers your highness." My dad says. "They are quite a hand full when they are together."

Noctis shook his head. "It's fine, they amuse me."

A few minutes later, the king walks in. He apologized for the guards not being on duty and for the long wait. My parents and Yuffie greeted him before he spoke about the report.

"As you may know. Your daughter did excellent out there. I will say no more, this report shall give you everything you need to know. Take this home and read it. I will call you Friday morning for more details. Thank you Mr. And Mrs. [Last Name]." The guards took the envelope from the king and handed it over to me. Me and my parents thanked him very much. Before we exited with the guards, I turned around a spoke, "Thank you Prince for the delicious tea!" With a wave to the handsome Prince.

Expecting a reply or a smile, I didn't get any type of acknowledge ment.. Which made me feel awkward in front of everyone. My smile flatten. He just stood straight, not taking a glance at me.

Once we were back in the car. I thought about him. I felt sad for some reason? For the way he ignored me. I shook my head, I shouldn't worry about anything, did I hurt his feelings in a way? They say that the girls are usually the confusing ones!

"Mom, can Yuffie spend the night?" I asked her. "Of course she can! Just don't break anything." She said.
"You hear that Yuffie? Don't break anything!" I warned her, pinching her arm. "Ow, stop! And thank you [Ma's name]! You're the best.

The car ride was a joyful one. My parents were telling old horrible stories about me to Yuffie, filling the car with our laughters. Then we argued on what we wanted for dinner tonight, me and Yuffie wanted fast, but my parents wanted to cook. "But Ma cooks so slow!" I whined. "Because I make it with love!" She replies.
"But we're hungry!"

Yeah, it was like that the whole ride. It was was half past twelve on our clocks when we arrived home.

(A/N: if you want a clear understanding on why it's so late. School is 8-3, the thing with the king started at 7, the drive there is about 3 hours. The test took an hour and a half. With the wait and ride back, it's now past ten :) )

"Make sure you call your mom that your spending the night!" I yelled to Yuffie. Right when I stepped through the front door, I ran to my room to get my sleeping clothes and jumped in the shower.
Forty minutes later, there was banging on the door.
"[Name]! Hurry up! We want to know what's in that letter!" Yuffie screams through the door. After hearing that, I quickly got out, dried, and changed. I can't believe I forgot! I raced down the stairs to see Yuffie and my parents munching on pizza. "I think I love you guy's twice as much if that's even possible." I told my parents, quickly digging in. My dad toss the envelope from the king in front of me. "Come on, we've waited long enough." He said.
I wiped my hands clean and tore open the elegant paper.

' Dear [Last Name] family,
I have decided that [Full Name] will be working under me and with the protection for the Prince. With her still attending high school, she will not be expected to come to the palace every day. I still want her to be able to continue with her studies, but if there is an emergency that might be in the hours of her schooling, I have a letter directly for the head of her school. Please give the paper that's attached on the back of this to whoever it might be so she will be excused with no problems. Thank you [Last Name] family. I will be being looking forward for [Name] working along with the best people, your King, and Prince.


I've been accepted! Yuffie, out of no where blew a toy whistle and started to jump in her chair and my parents were smiling and clapping. "Congradulations! Hunny, we're proud." My dad says.
"[Name] is gonna be rich!" Says Yuffie, of course.
"This means that more good information will be said from the king on Friday! I'm so happy for you sweetheart." Says mom.

"Thank you.." I said and my eyes water. "Once school ends, this will be my priority. I may not to see you guys as often as now, but know that I'm grateful for you guy's if you ever need me, just say so and I'll be here for you guy no matter what time, day, or month."

_3rd person pov_
The night ended, everyone was sound asleep in there warm bed and blankets. It took a while for [Name] to fall asleep though. Even though she was beat, her excitement got the best of her, which made her roll around bed and annoy Yuffie. She was awaiting for what lies ahead for her. Throughout her day dream, she never thought about the negative outcomes that were bound to happen.

Was this really a good path to settle on?

-Time skip to early morning-

_Normal pov_

Yuffie and I were awaken by three alarm clocks at once. Yuffie's phone, my phone, and my desk alarm. We both hurriedly pressed the off button and went back to sleep.

"Girls? Time to get up." My mom Quietly sneaks in and pulled up the blinds, earning whines from the both of us. "If you get up now I'll cook some chocolate chip pancakes!" She says. With that, me and Yuffie slowly sat up. Once our brains were adjusted we did our daily routine. Yuffie took the upstairs bathroom and I took the downstairs. I regretted not being in my room when Yuffie was picking out an outfit from my clothes, now, the room looked worse to begin with.

When we were done getting ready, with time left to spare, we both sat to eat break fast. After that, my mom drove us to school. Right when we walked on campus, students started to stare as they walked by.
'Is that who you were talking about?'
'That's [Name], she's the one that the king chose!'
'Wow! That's awesome!'

More and more comments like that were pasted along. "Hey, it looks like you're the Miss. Popular now." Yuffie said.

"And who's fault is that?" I asked her. "I thought being popular was a good thing." Me and her were walking to the principles office to inform them about the letter from the King. Then the rest of the day carried on like usual.

-Next day-

I was just finishing up my homework when I get called from my dad saying that the Prince was on the phone, asking for me. I questioned myself.. 'Why?'.
I made my way downstairs to retrieve the phone from my dad.
"Thank you your highness, here's my daughter." He said.

"Prince, what is it that you need?" I spoke through the phone, sounding polite from my parents perspective. "This is the second and last time I will say this [Name]. It's-"

"Noct, I know, but I can't address you like that in front of my parents." I said making my way to the front yard.

"Yes, sorry.." He replied. A few seconds of silence, he spoke "I just wanted to remind you.. About the dinner I invited you to. You're still coming right?"

(Chapter five END) words: 1490

Authors note: sorry for the sudden stop, I just wanted to update what I had since August! Sorry for the long wait, I've been really busy with school and marching band! But I'll pick off from what I left off from next time. Thank you for 4K reads!)


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