First Day

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It is so unbelievably boring.  I'm just laying in bed, staring at the ceiling...  At three A.M.  Eh, I could get off my butt and do something, but...  Effort...  I need to learn my way around Konoha, and I get the feeling that Ducky wont help me.  Damn it, I need to get up.  I flopped out of bed and went to the closet.  Inside was a crap ton of weapons, lots of money and dark clothes, too large for me, but oh well.  Oh Itachi, thank you for these items.  My wounds were fine, so I just put on a black shirt, leggings, and my ninja sandals.  Yup.  This shall be my training outfit.  I filled a pouch with money, kunai, shuriken, and explosive tags, and placed it on my thigh where the shirt would cover it.  I brushed my teeth with the new one I found last night and left the house after putting my hair in a ponytail.  I followed the path Sasuke usually took to go training, and found myself at a clearing with dummies, targets, and tree stumps set up in it.  I took out a kunai and fiddled with it for a moment, then gazed warily at the ringed target in front of me, sighing.  I threw it like how I'd seen in the show, and it landed on the outer ring.

I frowned and relaxed, trying again, but without hesitating to release it.  It stuck into the edge of the center.  I huffed and tried again.  And again.  After a few more tries, I was confident I had it down.  I then took out a shuriken and tried it on a new target.  It flew perfectly, landing in the center.  I smirked in silent triumph, walking over to the targets and retrieving my weapons.  I never thought it would be this easy!  I looked up and saw it was getting brighter...  Maybe it was more than a few tries with the kunai...  Oops.  I sighed and turned to leave, following my footsteps back into the village.  I still needed a new outfit!

I wandered around the village for a while, finding the academy, the Yamanaka's shop, Hokage's building, and a few other stores.  I entered a clothing shop and looked around.  I found a short trench coat like school shirt with a bow and a matching skirt, along with stockings.  I checked them out and put them on in the changing room, looking at my self in the mirror and seeing something ...odd.  I pulled down the shirt a little, and saw that the kanji for Family was carved in the center of my chest.  I sighed, putting Itachi's clothes in the bag they came in.  I'll just forget about it for now and see what I can do about it later. 

I then went to a weapons shop.  I will need more than some basic kunai to complete my goal.  I went inside and went straight to the katana section.  I love swords, so this is going to be great.  I observed each one and came to a stop in front of one with a thin, strong blade that was partially exposed from a plain black sheath.  The handle was gold, but covered thickly by black leather straps.  I knew it was more than it looked, the basic exterior hiding it's power.  The power I would form and strengthen.  I went to the man at the register and asked how much it was.  It was 1,200 yen, so I bought it, barely making a dent in the amount I'd gotten from the stash.  I attached the sword to my side and walked back home.

I entered the house only to be greeted by Sasuke leaning on the wall near the hallway to our rooms.  He glanced up at me for a second and I raised a brow.  "Where did you go?"  He grunted.  I told him that I went out shopping and went to the bathroom by my room, ignoring his glare expertly as I walked by him. I re-brushed my hair and teeth, and removed the bandages that I no longer needed-leaving only the ones on my torso.  I then went to the kitchen and ate an apple while Sasuke glared at me silently.  I looked at the time, 7:45.

"Ne," I looked at Sasuke, "When do we go to the academy?"  He looked up at the clock and 'Hn-ed.'  He walked out the door, so I followed him.  After a bit of walking, we arrived at the academy, and entered Iruka's classroom.  We were a little early, so only a few kids were there, including Hinata, Kiba, Shino, Choji, and Shikamaru, who was asleep on his desk.  I was about to go and sit in the back, but a bunch of students rushed inside, making me fall on my bum.

I shakily stood up, wincing slightly as my wounds moved.  I walked to an empty desk in the back of the class and sat in the window seat, looking out at the clouds...  And Naruto, who was being dragged into the academy by Iruka-sensei while whining.  I couldn't help but smile at the scene, even if it was a small one.  A few moments later, Iruka pulled the tied up Naruto through the door, an anger mark gracefully pulsing on his head.  Naruto was whining loudly as Iruka yelled at him.  I zoned out, I already knew the lecture.  I was pulled out of my daydream by my name being called.

"K-Kiyoshi Ren?  Could you come up here and introduce yourself to the class?"  I looked at Iruka and nodded, ignoring all the eyes following me as I went to the front of the class.

"My name is Kiyoshi Ren.  If you want to call me anything else, please use Kiyo-chan or Ren-chan.  I like to read, write, and sing..."  I spoke softly, trailing of at the end.  Iruka asked if anyone had any questions, and I looked at the class, gazing curiously at the hearts in some eyes and fire in others.  I blinked as I was bombarded with questions.

"How old are you?"

"What's your favorite food?"

"Are you single?"

"What is your favorite color?"

"Do you like anyone?!"

"Um...  I'm 12, I like ramen, I am single, my favorite color is dark red, and no, I don't like anyone."  I answered all the questions in order.  The girl I knew as Sakura Haruno slammed a hand on her desk, making me jump.

"How do you not like anyone?!  You must be lying, who do you like?!"  She screeched at me.

"I-I don't know anyone y-yet, h-how could I like someone?"  I stuttered with wide eyes.  She didn't respond, so Iruka spoke up from next to me.

"Alright, Kiyo-chan, why don't you pick a seat?"  I looked around and decided to ditch my old seat and sit next to Naruto.  I walked over and sat down in the seat by his.  He and the class gaped at me.

"Y-You already know m-my name, so what's yours?"  I asked, smiling slightly and tilting my head.

He grinned at me after realizing I was serious, "I'm Naruto Uzumaki!  I'm going to be the Hokage some day!  Believe it!!" 

"Alright, because of Naruto, we'll be practicing the transformation justu.  Kiyo-chan, if you want to sit out, that's okay."  I shook my head and got in line.  I knew the hand signs, so I would just try them out.  I waited for a bit, sighing at Sakura's attempts to gain Sasuke's attention.  "Kiyoshi Ren,"  I walked up and thought about Hinata, and I turned into her, with only a few things inaccurate.  "Good job, Kiyo-chan!"  Iruka smiled at me.  I turned back and sat at my desk.

The rest of the day went smoothly, Naruto was in all of my classes and we became friends rather quickly.  We went to Ichiraku's Ramen after school.  I told Sasuke I'd be home late and he 'Hn-ed' at me again.

"Hey Kiyo-chan," Naruto spoke up after seven bowls of ramen, "Why'd you sit with me?  I mean, no ones ever wanted to be my friend before..."  He looked at me, putting down his ramen.

I blinked at him.  "I did it because you look like a nice person, and I can tell you are honest to your feelings.  Plus, you looked like you needed a friend, so that's what I am now."  He looked at me for a moment, before giving me a huge grin.

"Yosh!  I'm stuffed so I'm going home!  Bye Kiyo-chan!!~"  He paid for us and ran off.  I smiled and waved, even if he couldn't see it.  I began my walk home with a smile, completely unprepared for what I'd walk in on.



I'm sorry this took so long, I was...  Occupied.  Any way, here it is, enjoy!!!!!!

Tell me if I messed anything up, m'kay?  Thanks!~

Remember to...




Ja ne!!~


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