Oh Golly

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I walked in the door, quietly singing a song.  I stopped the second I was inside.  There, sitting on the couch, was Itachi Uchiha.  He was just sitting there, eating a sandwich.  He froze as I walked in.  His head slowly turned to me and we made eye contact.  He didn't use his Sharingan on me though, which was weird.  "...Hi."  Was all he said before he turned and continued to eat his sandwich.

"Um...  Hey, not to be rude, but what are you doing here?"  I asked as I walked to the table and sat on it in front of him.

"Eating a sandwich.  And you?"  He responded.  He is kind of more talkative than the show portrays him to be.  Also, his sandwich is a P.B.J…  On potato bread.

"Well, I’m living here.  Who are you?"  I sassily replied.  He glanced at me.

"Itachi Uchiha.  And you?"  Jashin-sama, could he say 'And you?' more often?

"I'm Kiyoshi Ren.  Nice to meet you."  I grinned at the criminal.

"Ditto.  Are you ready?"  He asked.

"Huh?  Wha-"  He picked me up and ran out the back door and into the forest.  The front door opened just enough before that Sasuke saw him and I run off.  "Hey, where are we going?"  I asked calmly.  He didn't respond this time.  I faintly heard Sasuke yell after us.  We reached an unfamiliar clearing and he set me down.  Right as I was about to question him on his motives, he punched me.  Directly in the stomach.  "B-bastard!"  I cursed him. He then proceeded to beat me up until Sasuke was near.  He left shortly before Sasuke burst through the bushes.

He looked at me.  "Where is he?!"  I glared at him and pointed weakly in the direction he headed in.  He ran after him, only to run into a barrier that kept him beyond that point.  "Damn!"  He glanced at me and sighed.  I currently was leaning on a tree and walking slowly back to the complex.  He walked over and tossed me onto his back, piggyback style.  I winced with a hiss.  It wasn't that bad, but it still hurts.

"Thanks," I whispered to him, gaining a 'Hn.' in response.  I started to feel drowsy, so I snuggled into his shoulder and got comfy.  I heard him grumble his discomfort, but that did not matter to me, I was tired and in pain.  So, that left me with one thing.  Sleep.  And sleep is exactly what I did.

Sasuke P.O.V.

Kiyoshi buried her face further into my shoulder and I sighed.  This girl is such a nuisance.  I picked up the pace to get home sooner.  It would only bring me trouble if I was seen in public with a sleeping girl in my arms, so I was just going to take her home.

After a while, we reached my building.  I walked inside and to the couch, setting her down.  Great now I have to treat her--oh God…  I have to treat her wounds…  Ah Hell.  I looked over at her and felt my face heat up.  I shuffled to the nearest bathroom and grabbed some bandages.  I slowly walked out and back over until I was standing above her.  I sat down on the table in front of her sleeping form.  She looked so…  Awkward like this.  With her head turned into the cushion slightly, mouth slightly agape and an arm strewn across her torso.  I gulped and reached for the hem of her shirt, pulling it off of her.  She had bandages already covering her torso and her arms, even going beneath her waist band to her legs.  I know I shouldn’t care, but I am kind of curious.  My eyes traveled up her body and stopped at…  A kanji, but it was carved into her chest above her hear, it was the kanji for family.  My eyes turned cold.  She would never know my pain.  I bet her family loves and cares for her, she wouldn’t know the pain of having a—a loved one hurt you.

I took a deep breath and got to work, peeling off bandages.  I only took off the ones from her ribs to her pants.  It looked pretty bad.  How is she sleeping like this?  I lightly prodded the large bruise on her stomach, only to recoil quickly.

Kiyoshi P.O.V.

My dark and comforting dreamland turned into the real world as I sat up, looking around franticly.  I calmed down after realizing it was just Sasuke, who was staring at me weirdly with wide eyes.  “Oh, hey Sasuke.  Y’know staring is rude.”  I pointed out to him.  The look went away and he stared expectantly at me.  “What?”

“What is that?”  He pointed to my chest and I looked down.  Some of my bandages were missing, revealing a bruise.  From my dad or Itachi, I don’t know.  Also, the kanji was clearly visible on my chest.

“Okay.  You probably have some questions, so ask and I’ll answer.”  I sighed.  There was clearly no way out of this.  He began to think up some questions while I wrapped myself back up.

“Who did it?  When?  Why was he here?  What did he want? And what did he say to you?”  Wow, more than I expected in one go, but okay.

“Someone who would be close to me.  Before I left him and came here.  He was eating a sandwich.  I don’t know and we just introduced ourselves.  Anything else?”  He narrowed his eyes at me, seeming in thought.

“Who is he, and why did you leave him?  What did he call himself?”  He glared hard.

“Well, he is my dad and I left to not be in pain anymore.  Also, it was Itachi Uchiha, the one from the photo.”  His eyes glazed over and he went into thought.

“Okay, that’s all…  Bye…”  He barely mumbled before walking up the stairs.  Well, okay then.  I sighed.

“Okay!  Let’s never tell anyone about today, okay?!”  I shouted to his room.  I heard a faint, ‘Yeah,’ and looked around.  I decided to completely redo my bandages and treat my bruises properly, so I went to the bathroom and did so.

I came back out and sat on the couch.  “Oh hey, it’s the sandwich…”  I picked up the sandwich and took a bite.  “Hm, I like it!”  I smiled and continued to eat the peanut butter, blueberry jam, and potato bread sandwich.


Hehe, so yeah.  I like sandwiches.  Potato bread!--------->




Go have a potato bread sandwich.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2014 ⏰

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