Chapter The Sixteenth

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Approximately two minutes later, George regretted everything. He'd found the 'popular music' section, and was curious as to how the modern music scene looked. Panda, eh? He thought. What a cute title!

He'd never been more wrong in his life.

"What is this?" He winced. "It ain't even singin'!" After barely a minute, he couldn't take it. "Gah, it's that Justin fellow again." He muttered, scrolling through the songs. "But who are these One Direction lads? They don't look too bad!"

He ended up staying in the library until it closed at four, completely fascinated by this new thing called 'the internet'.

A librarian came up to him. This time it was a kind looking middle aged woman. "I'm sorry, sir." She told George, "But we're closing in a minute."

"No, no. That's alright..." He said, staring at the screen for a minute, trying to find the elusive exit button. "I was just leaving."

And so, George found himself out in the street, still lost and confused as ever.

* * *

Devon walked through the door of the record store. Second only to the music shop, it was where he spent most of his free time. Unfortunately, these days he never seemed to have time to just hang around in town like he had as a teenager. But as he walked down the main street, he'd just instinctively turned into the small, forgotten store.

"Devon!" He heard a voice call out. "Long time no see!"

"Hey, Jack." Devon grinned. "I know, far too long, eh?" He slapped the other man's shoulder. "How's business?" He asked.

Jack scratched the back of his neck. "Fairly quiet at the moment actually. Only had one in today - a nice chap. Bit jumpy though."

"Yeah?" Devon said, flipping through a stack of records.

"Yeah. Seemed a good sort though." Jack smiled. "Dead ringer for George Harrison too! Believe it or not."

The music teacher froze for a moment. Of course, it could really just be a fellow that happened to look like the Beatle. But with the whole time travel issue, there was a chance that it really could be George.

"Really?" Devon chuckled. "Wish I'd seen him! How long ago was this?"

"Just a few hours ago." The man replied, taking the few records that Devon wanted to buy. "Not to judge, but he looked like he needs a good wardrobe upgrade. Dressed like me old man, he was!"

The music teacher paid for the records. After that last comment, he was convinced that it was really George Harrison. That meant Jessie had to be with the other Beatles - either in this time or 1965. Either way, things had to be put right.

"C'mon, you're not too flash at times either." Devon scoffed. "Anyway, see ya 'round, Jack."

"Always the kind one, aren't you?" Jack laughed. "Later!"

With that, Devon left the little record shop, off to track down a certain time-traveling Beatle.

* * *

Time was passing quickly, but Jessie and the lads were getting nowhere. So far during their search for George, the three Beatles had experienced a modern mall, a child's cartoon show that had graphics better than some of the biggest movies of their time, and a bus that played music by 'some crazy Miley Sinus bird', as John had muttered. But there had been no sign of their friend at all. At least their disguises seemed to be working - no one had given the group a second glance.

"Where could he be?!" Paul cried, kicking a small stone across the pavement.

"What kind of stuff does George like?" Asked Jessie.

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