F i t F: C2 elemental ancestors?

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Chapter 2
Mystery girl's POV:
I can see it in her eyes. She is definitely the last element. I ran to her hoping she didn't see me yet. "Hey" I said. "Um, hey?" said/asked Naira awkwardly after she turned around to face me.
"I don't mean to be offensive, but do you mind explaining your ancient fire element ancestors to me? I'm very interested." I asked and she looked super shocked. I wonder why? She must be hiding. "What are you talking about? I don't even know you! How can I trust you? How do you know me and my ancestors?" she whisper/screams.
"Don't be alarmed, I read books about ancient legends and people. And I found something that made me very interested. And I found the last of the Ancient Beings of the Elements of Terra! (That's you) Let me tell you a much shortened version of the legend. There was once four Ancient Elements of Terra which was: wind least powerful, earth third powerful, water second powerful and last and most definitely not the least was fire the most powerful! And since all of them are dead that can only mean one person left has inherited the all the element which makes them extremely powerful and dangerous but anyway, they were all the protectors of Terra and truth be told the last descendent of the fire element will have all the elements but their main is fire but they are the ones who will protect Terra and all living beings on it." I said. The confused and worried girl gulped,
"Um dangerous?" she asked in a shaky way.
"Don't worry! You won't hurt anyone. But this whole thing tells me that your main element is fire" I said trying to calm her down. "FIRE! I can only turn into a fox, I've never summoned or used the power of fire in my entire life and this excludes the normal fire equipment like candles for an example." She told me. Hm, this is going to be a strange experience for me and her- wait how old is she! "How old are you?" I asked.
"I turned 16 yesterday, why?"
"Hm, have you been experiencing major mood swings mainly anger? Do you feel hot sometimes? Do you smell smoke when you're super angry? Do you feel room temp in the coldest times of winter?"
"Wow, one question at a time please. Ok, yes to the first question, sort of to the next one and yes to the smoke question but only very very faint smell of smoke and last question sometimes."
I immediately got my pocket note pad and written all the info I just got. This is going to be fun! "Oh, by the way, my name is Comet Tail. And I already know your name don't ask, please."
Naira's POV:
How? What? Why? I can't protect a whole planet! Oh well. The day is nearly over and it turns out that Comet is in almost all my classes. We tell each other jokes, stories and she asked me if I can come with her to her secret treehouse. This is going to be fun.
----------------------------time skip--------------------------
"How much further, Comet. My legs are killing me!" I asked when we were walking over to her treehouse where she did her research about my ancestors. "Quit whining ya big baby. Not much further anyway." At last we were here. It looked like a platform from below the tree but when we went into the homemade elevator (pulled up by a massive rock) it looked huge and extremely roomy. Most of the house was inside the tree. The reception here was amazing and she had two apple computers. How did she pay for those! "Like what ya see? And the house is also storm protected. Now let's do homework and get researching." She told me.

(*Hey my faithful troop of foxes! How are u going! I hope good but I was just telling you to stay in the love! P.S: I'm so sorry this chapter is super short. please don't hurt me! (⬅️small high pitched voice)
See ya later.

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