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Chapter 5:

Before we went into the dorm someone from behind us stopped us. I looked to see who it was and saw it was one of the popular girls. What was her name? I thought. Her blond hair, very short shorts, small crop top. She must be that Lauren bitch everyone's talking to me about. Be careful were you step, Naira. I told myself. "Hi, I'm Naira and you must be Lauren. I've heard lots about you." I said in a friendly and polite way.
"Hey. And your correct, I am Lauren. So you want to become my friend or what. You could become very popular with me and I also saw on the first day of school that you have a magnificent body." She said. This sounds sketchy, she's acting way too innocent. Something is not right here. "Oh that sounds great. I'll think about it. Maybe we can get to know each other during these next three weeks at the farm. We are in the same eating and activities groups so this shouldn't be much of a problem." I told her. She looked disappointed and angry then quickly changed to happy and innocent. I want to vomit just looking at the terrible bitchily innocent act she's trying to pull off. "Alright if it works for you, it works for me." Was all she said before she walked off. Wow, I cannot believe that just happened. I turned around and saw my friends looking worried. I hope I made the right decision. "Smooth move, bro. You might actually get the first place award of best enemy maker." Comet told me. Well it wasn't like I was trying to get a new enemy. I walked in my room and unpacked everything, then all of a sudden a small pebble knocked on the glass window. I looked outside then found a half human half wolf outside. I ran to the front door and found him in human form with nothing but skins on. "Who are you!? What are you doing here!? And how did you find me!?" I whisper screamed at him. Before he could answer me I pulled him inside and ran to me room with him. "Wow, nice place." He said. I stared at him like he explained a really disgusting embarrassing story in high detail. "Oh the answers to your questions are 1: I'm Daniel, I can't remember my sir name but 2: I wanted to find the fox I smelled and 3: I smelled the presence of a fox and that smell trail led to you. Is that all you wanted to know?"
"Are you kidding me!?"
"No I'm not"
"This is bad, this is very very very bad" all I could think of was the night I had the sleepover with my new friends in the treehouse and we figured the only way for the Ancient Elements of Terra to survive was that the last of the Elements was to mate with a half blood. (*NO SMUT INVOLVED*) and here in my room was a half blood. "Um do you have a home to get back to?" I asked Daniel.
"Oh yes, a big day of hunting with my pack today, better get going. Oh and what's your name if a may ask?"
"That's a nice name, well bye" we said our last farewell and he ran downstairs almost nocking Jack and Comet off their feet.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2016 ⏰

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