F i t F: C4 a week at the farm school trip.

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(*⬆️this is pretty funny isn't it?⬆️*)Chapter 4 Naira's POV The one thing I was super excited to go to this year was the farm in the country

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(*⬆️this is pretty funny isn't it?⬆️*)
Chapter 4
Naira's POV
The one thing I was super excited to go to this year was the farm in the country. We had to stay there for a week and learn agriculture and how to work many equipment on the farm. I had two best friends to stay with in the same dorm! Comet and Jackson were great to me. They cared for me, they made sure I wasn't freaking out over my powers. We were the luckiest group in the grade. (*In case you don't know the grade it's year ten*). "All right now children! Put your luggage in your dorm rooms and come strait back here! DO NOT UNPACK YOUR LUGGAGE!!!" Called Mrs Dillison. "The sooner we get our asses over there the sooner we get our breakfast." Said Comet. It was true, we had to wake up early so we could get the 2 hour drive to the farm over and done with. We also have to go through that boring speeches by the teachers that no-one listens to. "I call dibs on the middle room!" I yelled and ran inside. I found a beautiful painting of a black appaloosa in a fire back round on the wall. A double bed in the back right corner of the room and a mahogany desk in the back left corner. There was a massive walk in wardrobe on the left with mirror slide doors. I then found a hand chair front right corner with a small table to put a single book down. The room had polished wooden floors. The bed had a dark Aqua color for the duvet, baby blue pillows and a rolled green blanket at the end of the bed. It looked like famous architecture designed this room. I quickly put my luggage in the front left corner and went downstairs where everything else was. We had a kitchen with very few foods and drinks and on the other side was a living room with a large flat screen tv. This dorm was luxury. We got to the assembly area and half the grade was there. Probably checking out there luxurious dorm.
Lauren's POV:
(* all dorms look roughly the same *)
We had a dorm fit for a king. Emma and I shared the dorm with Nate. I hate that guy. He's so weird, but at least it would only last for a week. After we put our stuff in our rooms we went to the assembly area and I saw that new girl there. During the boring teacher speeches we found out she was in our eating group and our activities group with some of her friends. It was nearly breakfast time and I decided to follow her. Me and Emma went to the food court and I sat behind the newbie. "All right children... That's enough now children... *Sigh* SHUT UPPP!!!!" Screamed Mr Hottlerist. Finally everyone was quiet so he carried on. "All right everyone, we all know it's exciting to come to a farm camp but the basic rules are still here and don't you forget it. And apparently we have to go through them before breakfast." We heard a lot of 'awwws' then everyone shuts up again. "That's what I thought. Now we will have everyone to move the tables into 3 big circles. There is an even amount of people in all 3 groups so there should be exactly 100 chairs in each group. Eating Group 1 please line up to my right... Eating group 2, please line up at the back... Eating group 3, please line up to my left..." After everyone moved Mrs Dillison took over. "Now Group one please move some tables into a circle big enough to fit one hundred people... "
  .  .  .  Time skip  .  .  . 
As soon as we sat down the teachers gave us papers with our name on them with some tape on them. "Now children, stick those papers on the back of your chair and the second one on the table where you are sitting." Continued Mrs Dillison. We did as told and we soon got up to get our food. When I came back I found that the newbie's plate was stacked with meats, some fruits and a little bit of nuts. Wow she must really like meat. I though to myself.

Naira's POV:
We ate our food and went back to the dorms to unpack and we found a picture on the door of our dorm. "We hadn't seen that before." Said Jack. "Mabey we didn't see that before or the teachers must have put that there while we were walking to the food court." I suggested.
(*the picture looked like this:*)

Before we went into the dorm someone from behind us stopped us

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Before we went into the dorm someone from behind us stopped us. I looked to see who it was and saw it was one of the popular girls. What was her name? I thought.

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