Students' Day Out

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A/N: This chapter is the celebrate my birthday, yay~ I got a new Pebble Time Round! AND MORE THAN 800 READS I love you guys. This chappie is mainly 9R POVs, so enjoy!

Raphael's POV

It was finally our oral examinations, so after a tiring oral session, rebelling against an irritating teacher and withstanding the freezing air-conditioning (blowing straight at us, if I may add), five of us decided to have a study group at Olivia's house.

"Oh no, I forgot to give Charis' phone back to her!" Elizabetha shrieked before we left. "Dude, Olivia and Charis are SISTERS, they live in the same freaking house," Victoria deadpanned. "No, Charis told me she has tuition after this! She's going there immediately, dammit! Help me hold my file, I'll meet up with you guys outside the ice cream shop below Oli's house," Elizabetha explained, throwing some stuff into Olivia's arms and dashing away.

"Wow," Olivia sighed, rearranging the heavy things in her arms. "Here, I'll help you," I offered, taking the black file. "Thanks, let's go!" We walked out of the side gate and across the road beside the old church, through the hawker centre and into the train station. "I wonder if Ms Emily is still angry at us," Olivia remarked. "Nah, I think she is okay, she's nice..." Victoria replied dismissively, waving a hand.

Elizabetha's POV

I had already returned the handphone to Charis up on level five and tore down the path and arrived, panting and sweaty, at the designated meeting place. "Wow, hi," Olivia greeted. "H-hi... So... TIRED..." Just then, our art teacher walked past. Oh no I forgot her name! "Umm, hello?" She beamed. "You all live here?" We shook our heads violently. "No, just... eating," Joseph lied. "Oh, okay, have fun!"

She walked off and we heaved a sigh of relief. That was... Awkward... Olivia keyed in the password and swung open the door. "Come on up," she declared, holding open the door. We clambered up the WAY too steep stairs, up to level three. She knocked on the left-hand side door. A little girl (Olivia's YOUNGER sister) opened it and stared at us. "Hi!" I offered.

Joseph's POV

Olivia's room was neater than mine. Which wasn't saying much. "Sorry, my room is SUPER messy," she apologised. "Dude, my room is way messier," Victoria rebutted, gesturing at Olivia's table dramatically. "Yeah, my table is stacked with stuff THIS high..." Elizabetha added, opening her arms to show the big-ness. "It's damn neat," I concluded. "Ooh, bunk bed!" Victoria clambered up to Olivia's protests. I clung onto one side. "Noooooooooo!" She collapsed onto the above bunk and grinned.

"OKAY GUYS can we get started?" I complained. "Okay, okay... ooh, OMG THE CASTLE THING IS SO CUTE LOOKIE THE THING GOES DOWN AND THE PEOPLE CAN CLIMB UP AND THEN IT GOES UP OOOOOH THIS IS SO COOL!" Victoria spazzed. "OH LOOK AT THE BOOKS~" Elizabetha yelled. Raphael, Olivia and I face palmed. "Let's just get out our notebooks..." Olivia sighed.

We sat in a circle (after fighting for the drinks) and opened our notebooks, English notes copied down in them meticulously. "Okay, so what are we doing today again?" Olivia asked. "Oral. DUH," Victoria said, rolling her eyes. "Elizabetha, you start first, talk about the writing one that you did last time," I ordered. "Okay... I like to write in my free time. Writing is a way of relaxation and- AH FORGET IT. Let's do something else..."

This Time Skip is brought to you by EightHundredReads~

Olivia's POV

"Can we get ice cream PLEASE~" Victoria begged, flopping on the floor in defeat. We had done, literally, NOTHING. Except whack each other, fiddle with the out-off-tune piano and throw a red pen around. "Okay, COOKIES AND CREAM!" Joseph yelled. "ME TOO!" Raphael added. "Yeah, I'll have Cookies and Cream too," I decided. "Ugh, okay, I'll go down to buy it... I only have two hands, hello!" Victoria exclaimed. "Oh, alright, I'll go too," Elizabetha sighed, getting up. "Oh, okay, help me pay, thanks!" Joseph joked.

According to them afterwards, they had bought five ice creams and walked back to the password locked door. "It's 0105," Victoria reminded. Elizabetha punched in the number and yanked at the door. Nope. Frowning, she tried again. It didn't budge. Finally, they called me. "WE'RE TRAPPED," they wailed. "Huh? Did you forget the password?" "NO IT'S NOT WORKING..." There was laughter. "Okay, I'm coming..."

They hung up and tried the door again.

It opened.

"WOW, I totally managed to open it when YOU DIDN'T," Victoria complained. "Oops, sorry..." They ran up the stairs... And found the three of us stuck outside. Without a key. "Oh, hi," I called. "It's Joseph's fault we got stuck out here," Raphael declared and glared at Joseph, who held his hands up in an 'I surrender' gesture. "Yeah, it's my fault."

Victoria's POV

Olivia called her younger sister and told her that she was coming to take the spare key from her, and we all went down to wait while she ran to wherever her sister was. "Let's go into the ice cream shop to enjoy these," Raphael suggested, and we agreed, then trotted into the store. It half empty and we sat at a long table.

At a far corner, we noticed two familiar figures... Ms Emily and Mr Harper.

"GUYS, look!" I hissed, pointing at the duo talking over ice creams. "OH OH OH YES," Elizabetha quietly squealed. "MATTHILY IS COMING TRUE!" We inched closer to listen over the murmurs of the other customers. "Oh, don't be silly," Ms Emily retorted to an unknown remark by Mr Harper. "Aww, Emily, don't be evil!" Aha! "Mwahahaha," she fake-cackled, expression bored. They were silent for a minute.

We snuck back to our spot and promptly half-died. "This is GREAT," Elizabetha declared. "YES, MATTHILY!" I cheered, keeping my voice down. "Careful, if they see us, we are dead," Joseph cautioned. "NAH, they won't," Raphael objected. "THEY ARE LOOKING THIS WAY!" Elizabetha warned, turning away quickly. We hid our faces in the shadow of the wall. I could almost feel the back of my neck tingling as their combined gazes swept across our stiffened backs.

A/N: HOORAY! What will happen next?! Find out more in... CHAPTER 13!

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