Key To My Heart

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Listen to the video above :D

Emily's POV

Jared pulled up again the next morning. "No parallel parking," I warned him in a dangerous tone as I got into the car. "Oh fine..." he sighed a little sadly. "I'm not kidding!" I protested. He turned his head and flashed me a smile. All the 'sad-Jared-ness' faded from view and up popped an evil, cheeky grin. I knew that grin. It appeared on Matthew's face whenever he was going to do something stupid. And that grin was the same for all manhood. And it meant the same thing. I glared at him. "Nothing. Stupid. Or. I'll. Murder. You."

He pouted absolutely adorably. "Aww, you're no fun... Okay..." I smirked. "I believe I win." He held his hands up in a gesture of surrender, before raising his eyebrows and grabbing the wheel. "No parallel parking... But you didn't say I couldn't do any doughnuts on the road!" The engine revved twice and he took off like a speed demon. "HOLY MOTHER OF GOD OH MY GOD JARED STOP!" I shrieked. The car spun around in 360s and I was holding onto the door, mentally praying that we wouldn't die.

Jared returned my screeches with another devilish smirk, and did two more 'doughnuts', before the Benz took off down the street with a noise rivaling my screams. I sunk back into my seat, trying to calm my pounding heart down, to no avail. "I swear... You are dead..." I gasped out. "I didn't technically break my promise." He winked at me, and I melted again. Damn him, he has the key to my heart. Damn it. I smacked him on the arm with my handbag. "Idiot." "You still love me~"

Matthew's POV

I slowly peeped my head into the 9R classroom. A bored-looking relief teacher was lazily leaning back in his chair as MY students scowled as they wrote on worksheets. Work? So early in the DAY? What the hell! Oh well. Surprise 'em. I signaled at the teacher, before striding in silently. No one noticed. "Hey kids," I declared, like I did every morning, plopping my files on the teacher's table. Every head shot up. "Mr Harper!" I grinned as they washed over me like a huge tidal wave, screaming and yelling. 

I watched the substitute slink off, a little reproachfully, as 9R ran over and demanded answers, sweets and my state of health in the same breath. "Whoa, whoa, calm down, go back to your seats first," I commanded. With resigned grumbles, they returned to their seats. "Anyway... I'm fine, I didn't bring chocolate this time, and I was just in hospital for something small, I'm up and alright now," I lied. "Or are you?" someone called out. I froze. Well. Crap. They really, really, REALLY sound like Em.

I nodded, slapping on a smile. "Yes, I am." I suppressed a sigh. Missing Teachers' Day sucked. "So, I heard from some teachers that you all performed a song on stage?" The class chorused a "Yes!" and I grinned. "Did you all do well?" Shrugs. "Well, I listened to a recording and... I'm really touched," I admitted, watching their faces morph from confusion to disbelief. I'm way too sensitive to these sort of things. Darned introversion. Introversion isn't bad. You of all people shouldn't know that!

Emily's POV

After another grueling but fast-paced, messy shift at the NYT, I went out with Gwen and Lara for dinner. They were treating me to make up for the 'kidnapping'. Of course, I tried to decline, but they wouldn't buy it. "I still think this is unnecessary," I mumbled. "No, we owe you one," Gwen insisted, dragging me into the mall. "Pizza?" "PIZZA!" I sighed at her childishness. "Okay, okay..." Hmm, didn't I have pizza with the gang last time? Or did I? I don't remember. Oh well... It's in the past, right? Yes, the PAST.

The three of us slid into the booth, the smoky lights of the restaurant dimly lighting up the menu. I squinted at the small font under the dark lighting. I swear this is going to spoil my eyes. I'll have to get glasses or contacts or something soon... Why can't they have a well-lit pizza place for ONCE? I set down the menu, giving up. Gwen seemed to be able to make out the words easily, and she pointed out what she recommended. "You come here often, huh?" I noted. "Yeap, she does, and I get dragged along," Lara replied.

Gwendolyn beamed and grabbed a waiter that seemed to know her. "The usual?" he asked. "Nah, I'm with them, so... Just the pepperoni, the cheese... AND the usual." She looked slyly at Lara, who was groaning. "She doesn't like the usual, huh?" The waiter - Carl, as his name tag said - motioned towards her. "No taste in good food," Gwen agreed sadly. "What IS the usual?" I asked. "It's the super spicy curry chicken, jalapenos-seasoned ham one," Lara complained. "Uhh, then I'll pass too!" I can still remember that meal that Jared tricked me into eating... I shuddered.

Matthew's POV

I watched 9R excitedly discussing their projects. Since it was after their examinations, I decided to give them a research project on a mini Science Fair we would be holding, together with 8R. The best group would get candy, obviously. Candy was the best. They were split into groups of four. There were whispered decisions on making mini particle accelerators. Plans of experiments involving some sort of electric current that would kill frogs. Poor frogs. Wish I could be them.

I sighed, imagining the Science Fair. Booths set up with colourful streamers, the buzz of excited conversation, the zaps of frogs, the squeals of delight... The microphone hissing, 9R trash talking 8R, the younger ones - 8L and all - running around, looking at the stuff. That'll be so adorable. I smiled to myself. I walked around, peering in on their discussions and ideas that were zooming around. Particle accelerator? Oh, we have those materials in school. At LEAST the Physics department keeps up with these needs.

I fiddled with my keychain as I strode around. "Nice drawing, what's that?" I asked one of the girls' groups. "Ahh!" Olivia shrieked and covered the drawing while turning around. "Just our ideas, Mr Harper," Elizabetha replied, face blank. Charis nodded empathetically. Lauren just smiled and shooed me away. I went over to the next group, who chased me off too. I know I shouldn't think like this, but now it feels like my own STUDENTS don't want me near. Ouch. Right in the heart. 'Heart' as in whatever's left of it.

A/N: Two uploads in one day :D *dances happily*

Apples Don't Just Mean School [in process of rewriting]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora