Not My Emily

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Emily's POV

I flopped onto my old bed as soon as Matthew dropped both me and Jared off at my parents' apartment. Jared peeked into my room. "Tired?" I turned my head to face him. "No, I'm just unaffected by the jet lag, so I decided to have a random seizure on the bed," I snapped sarcastically. A tired me was a sarcastic and irritable me. "Well, I'll leave you to your... seizure. I'll wake you up in time for dinner, okay?" His eyes twinkled with mirth as he closed the door behind him. "Mmhmph."

I rolled onto my face and blindly reached out for my pillow. What? Where is it? I flailed my arm around for a few seconds and it came into contact with something soft. Found it. I pulled it closer to me, lifted my head up for a second and slammed myself back onto the pillow. I almost sighed in contentment. Is there anything better to sleep on a nice and cool pillow after a long day? Well, how about TWO nice and cool pillows? I found the second pillow. I hugged it to myself instead. Ahh... I sighed in comfort.

To my disdain, a few knocks forced me to drag my tired body out of bed and towards the door. "What now?" I complained. Amelia was standing there. "Emily!" She jumped on me. I smiled; friends were more important than sleep. Well, not very much more. "Hey Amelia." She pulled away and looked over me. "Hmm. You look awful!" I stared at her with dead eyes. "Yeah, because awful is the new sexy, didn't ya know? Red is the new black," I replied, pointing at my eyes. "Well, sorry. But the most important thing..." She leaned in. "Who's the guy?"

Matthew's POV

Goddamn it, Amelia! Just get her out of the house already! I had been waiting outside Em's flat for not one, not two, but FIVE HOURS. It was almost nine, I hadn't eaten dinner, and my car had been 'stolen' by Leia for the night. Basically, I was stranded. And since I didn't really know my way around Emily's neighbourhood, I had no idea where the nearest bus stop was. To make matters worse, my phone was dead because I had spent most of my time playing games and watching anime on it.

"Amelia, I swear if you don't come out soon, I will post embarrassing photos of you on Instagram," I muttered to no one in particular. This was originally supposed to be a dinner with Em for the first time in around three months. Jeremy and Arthur were at the place already, while Amelia was to get Emily. Yours truly? I had to wait for the two women to HURRY THE HELL UP. Seriously. How long does it take to put on clothes? I paced around Amelia's Subaru impatiently, counting my steps and the minutes, then dividing them, then multiplying the digits together. When one starts to do maths WILLINGLY... Well... One was very bored.

After six minutes and fifty-seven seconds more of waiting (and hissed death threats under my breath), they finally emerged from the lift. This wait was completely not worth it- Oh wait WHOA. Emily was not in her usual, simple outfits. Nope. Amelia had obviously taken advantage of my patience and completely changed Em. Hardly recognisable, really. She looks like Sarah. I thought you got over Askinare already and stopped comparing those two! THIS Emily was wearing jeans. Skinny jeans. And a light blue top. And a cardigan. She was pretty, sure.

But she was not my Emily.

Emily's POV

"Did I have to wear this?" I whispered to my friend. "Yes, you do," she whispered back. "Wow. Hi, and what's your name, miss?" Matthew joked, bowing at me. "Oh, stop it, Matthew." Jared peered at me. "It's not your... You know..." What? What? Wh... Oh. That little... "Of course not!" I snapped angrily. "Well, you're acting skittish and-" I glared at him. "That's a stereotype and as a journalist, I expected you to know it." I scowled, digging my foot into the dirt.

"I'm sorry, I just... I'm sorry Emily, I was concerned, but you don't have to be so feministic about it," he apologised gently and sincerely. Feministic? Excuse me? Is that your excuse? "Jared Collins. You of all people should know that the term 'feminist' is overused and you know that there are too many misconceptions of feminism! You should know I am a feminist. I want equality in this world. And you have the... The NERVE to try and brush off my unease as... As THAT?" I clenched my fists. I hated it when people had the wrong idea of something. And even my boyfriend wouldn't be spared the tongue lashing.


ared bit his lip and looked down. Amelia and Matthew were quiet. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Emily. I... I took it too far, and I will do anything to preserve... Preserve US." I took a few deep breaths. You overreacted. Do you think I didn't know that? Well, at least he knows not to be stupid anymore. If we want a peaceful and just world, feminism needs to be supported and all the dumb and wrong ideas about it proved wrong. "I'm sorry for reacting so strongly too, but don't do that again." "I won't."

Matthew's POV

After a while in awkward silence, we reached the diner that we were headed for. Arthur and Jeremy were pretty enthusiastic about visiting it: Not A Library. Leia had opened it later than usual for Emily's return. Perks of having a sister who runs a cafe cum diner, huh? "Leia!" Emily ran out of the car and hugged her. Whoa, overly dramatic much? I mean, they aren't that close... Right? "Why didn't you tell me you were coming? Your last text was yesterday!" Apparently they are. I scooted out of the vehicle. "And who is... This?" My sister stared at Jared suspiciously.

"Jared. Jared Collins. Em's boyfriend." He bowed to Leia with a flourish. "Leia Harper. Nice to meet you." The amount of coldness in her voice could stop global warming and save the polar ice caps. "Matthew's... Younger sister?" YOUNGER? Is he trying to charm her? "Older by one year," she replied, eyeing him with disdain. "And don't reply by saying I look younger, because that's as cliche as your personality," she added. He chuckled. Chuckled? This guy has got guts. "If you'd prefer that." Emily was holding back a laugh. "Well, go on in. Arthur, Jeremy, Louis and Diane are already inside."

Whe we were herded in, Leia beckoned for me to come to the side. "What's wr- HEY!" She grabbed me by the collar and jerked me towards the wall. "What did I tell you about Emily?" "Umm..."

Leia grabbed me by the collar and slammed my body into the wall. "Don't. Let. Emily. Go."

It was the exact same position that we were in. "Not to let her go?" She released me. "Exactly! And you left her to get taken by that JARED guy. Honestly. You lost a huge opportunity. I can't believe she didn't TELL me in our texts!" She spun around and pointed at me again. "You had better find a way to steal her back. I want my little brother to marry someone good and not lose another person like Sarah." Sarah...

A/N: Whee... This was fun to write. I liked the part where Leia threatens everyone. Oh well. Remember to follow paroxym26 on Wattpad and @ememwolfie on Instagram for exclusive spoilers!

Stay tuned!


Wolfie (aka. Mel)

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