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It's not like you're unpredictable/But your act is so believable/I know it's nothing personal, it's just business as usual/You're good at what you do ~ Simple Plan, You Suck At Love

Lauren's POV

We (as in 9R) were listening to Victoria, Nat A. and Jessica talk in the cafeteria. "Remember the fire?" "It was legit TWO DAYS AGO, Nat, we're not stupid..." "Well... Ms Alastair... died in it," Victoria reported quietly. "What? HOW?" I gasped. "We saw Mr Steinfield running along the corridor, heading for Staircase Five!" Jessica explained. "And then Ms Alastair was trying to make sure all the kids were out," Charis continued. "And then, he PUSHED HER INTO THE FIRE," Victoria crowed off angrily. 

"It's HIS fault! Ms Alastair was always so nice and kind to us, and he's a good-for-nothing, pompous, worthless, murderous, greedy... IDIOTIC little sh-" Charis slapped a hand over Elizabetha's mouth. "CALM DOWN," Olivia cautioned. I sighed. "Guys, have some respect, someone is DEAD," Jessica said, tone steely. We all quietened down. "I don't think anyone else except you guys saw him, right?" I asked.

"No, I don't think so," Olivia replied. "I don't think we should tell anyone," I suggested. "That's a good idea," Veronica piped up. "Yeah, let's keep this private... I wonder how Ms Emily is," Natalie Armstrong mused. "I heard from Mr Harper that she's coming back to teach us next week, just before our MMT (Major Module Test)..." Elizabetha added. "That's great!" I enthused. "Hey, let's go get food now," Victoria complained.

Emily's POV

I was STILL cooped up in the hospital, and I was utterly bored out of my mind. At least my burns are healing... Ugh, but they look so... Disgusting. They're red and black and white, even a little YELLOW. It's weird, and I can't move my shoulders without PAIN. I scowled outwardly, flopping around like a dead fish. My oxygen mask had been taken off, thankfully, but my movement was still restricted. I wonder if I'll get any visitors... Too boring here.

It WAS after-school hours in SCH, and I was secretly hoping that my students (and maybe a few teachers) would come to visit, perhaps with flowers or cards or whatever. I won't lie, I LIKE receiving gifts, I mean; who won't? It's nice to know people are concerned about you... I reached over and lightly felt a rose petal of the bouquet in a tall vase. Well, maybe they're all busy... Wow, for ONCE you're optimistic! ... And they've all forgotten about you. 

I rolled my eyes. Why am I arguing with you again? There was a small pause before the sadistic part of my brain replied. Because YOU are having doubts. I am part of you, you know.  I reflect you. THAT came as a shocker. I've always thought you were, like, separate from me. Nope. I'm you. How DO I think independently? No answer for another few seconds. You know Terry Pratchett's Tiffany Aching series, right? I'm like her Second Thoughts or Third Thoughts. 

That made sense. Everyone has these thoughts, right? Yes, they do. It's OBVIOUS, Emily. I mentally face palmed. That was a dumb question, huh? Yes, yes, it was. Now get back to your whining, I need a break. And the voice shut up and slid into the murky depths of my head. 

Matthew's POV

TIME TO STRIKE! "Ready?" I hissed. A soft chorus of YES came back and a few hushed giggles. Forty-four (plus me) of us flooded the corridor outside the ward. I held up a hand, mouthing the words. Three... Two... One... GO! We burst into the room screaming, "SURPRISE!" A shocked person was sitting there. "Umm, I don't know you?" she stated hesitantly. "Oh crap. Wrong ward. Sorry!" I apologised, shooing the kids back out with a sheepish grin.

Once we were outside, all the students promptly laughed at me. Wow, Matthew, you've made a fool of yourself. Have you got the bag? I got the bag, now shut up, me. I hefted the paper bag a few times, grimacing at the unexpected weight. A very silly gift lay inside: courtesy of the kids (and a very, very random Whatsapp Group, plus Olivia's art skills). This is bloody stupid. But let's just do it~ NIKE! 

THIS time, we peered into the window first, BEFORE carefully bursting in, cautiously not trampling down the door. "SURPRISE!" the kids screamed once more, pushing me in front to present the gift. "In courtesy of the Independent Principality of 9R, a nation not internationally recognised, and as its president or ambassador or whatever, we cordially present Ms Emily Sophie Fox with a humble gift," I read off from a script, depositing the bag on her.

She eyed us suspiciously (the kids were laughing too hard) before ripping open the brown packaging. She stared at what fell out: a... pineapple. The students laughed harder, if that were possible. "Why is this pineapple... PURPLE?" she asked, voice dangerously soft. All hands pointed at me. "What? What?" I protested. "You said you liked pineapples, Mr Harper!" a voice yelled from the back. "And you said purple was the funniest!" another added.

Emily glared at me. "Erm, hahaha?" I tried. She continued the intense glare... before helplessly collapsing into laughter. "Out! All of you!" she commanded, stifling a giggle while acting stern.

Emily's POV

The kids (and Matthew) filed out of the room, but not before leaving a heap of cards and a few stalks of flowers behind. I was left alone in the ward. They actually came? This coincidence is really... It's nice. They thought of me... I was jerked up straight by the dry voice once more. Ya done with the sob story? The 'oh-they-thought-of-me'ness? Good! Now go call em' in and thank em' good and proper. You've HORRIBLE manners.

I complied weakly. All of them came back in, grinning sheepishly. "Thanks for coming, you all really didn't need to," I thanked sincerely (or was it? I don't KNOW! I couldn't read their minds!). "We had to, actually," Matthew interrupted. I shot him a shut up glare. "Please be quiet and to be sitting down," I snapped playfully. "Where was I before he interrupted? Oh yes, the thanking. I'm really touched by all your cards... SO YOU ALL HAD BETTER GET GOOD MARKS!" I added.

There was a murmur of no! and I laughed. "Just joking... But study hard, okay, 9R? Continue the tradition... Best class, you know!" I reminded. "YES SIR!"

A/N: This chapter is dedicated to: risrissaribena and raphael1688, I guess? I mean, they were there when I thought of the pineapple thing, so... ANYWAY, filler chappie, maybe some substantial split tomorrow? CIAO!~

Apples Don't Just Mean School [in process of rewriting]Where stories live. Discover now