chapter 2

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*Amelia's pov*

I woke up feeling worse than I did before. After everything that's happened, Derek's death, Mer being attacked, relapsing, the thing with Owen, I guess I'm just run down. I mean who wouldn't be after all of that on top of working all the time. I look at my phone, 8:15 am, time for my next surgery, Edwards already paged me to let me know the OR is ready. I make my way there and scrub in. Steph walks into the scrub room "Dr Shepherd, the patient is ready for you" she smiles at me, I smile back. She and I have become pretty good friends since she assisted me on Hermans surgery. She was there for me when I relapsed, she took care of my patients when I was out for a while.

I walk into the OR and start the neuroendoscopy. Towards the end of the procedure my head started to go fuzzy, I breathe out heavily and in again "Dr Shepherd? Are you ok?" I breathe in and out again "Amelia?" I look over at her "Edwards, I need you to take over, finish closing" I take off my head lamp, my gloves, my scrub cap. I run back to the on call room, the one Owen and I used to go in all the time. I suddenly got really hot, I take off my scrubs and sit on a bed. I couldn't stay still, I stood up and started pacing up and down, thoughts were going through my head at a hundred miles an hour. 'I was dizzy, do I have a brain tumour? no Amelia, you're a world class neurosurgeon, I think you'd know if you had a brain tumour' I was ripped out of my thoughts by a pain in my stomach 'what if it's appendicitis or an abdominal aortic aneurysm' my thoughts were interrupted again by a sudden wave of nausea, vomiting in the toilet.

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