Chapter 4

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*Amelias pov*
I see Alex charting at the nurses station, I walk over "Karev have you see Robbins?" he try's to take the papers from my hands "what'd you need? a consult?" I pull the papers away from him and start to walk away "I need Robbins"
I walk to each room and open the door until I see Arizona in an empty consult room, I push open the door "hey do you have a minute?" I ask and she gives me a bright smile "of course, what do you need?" "would you take a look at these" I sit down next to her "I just need someone in peds to tell me if I'm right" I hand her my lab results and she studies them and looks at me "your patients pregnant" crap. I was really hoping I was wrong. "where is she, do you need me to come and do an ultrasound or something?" I stand silently "Amelia?" I look up, I can hear her chatting away to me "Arizona." she keeps going "what's her na-" "Arizona!" I cut her off and she looks at me "it's um my-" "oh my god! Amelia these are your results, aren't they? you're pregnant!" I nod and she hugs me tightly "okay lay down and pull your shirt up" she tells me letting go and locking the door. she grabs the ultrasound machine and brings it over to me, applying the gel to my small stomach, I grab her hand "Arizona, I don't think I can do this. what if another one of my babies has no brain or something else wrong with them. I can't go through that again. I can't loose another baby" she holds my hand "Amelia, last time was a bad spin of the genetic wheel. there is a 98% chance of this baby being completely healthy, either way you need to know" I nod and take a deep breath "okay, you're right, just do it" she places the doppler on to my belly and spreads the gel around. "it looks like you're about 14 weeks" I'm surprised I got this far without knowing again "check its head" she moves the ultrasound up, my heart starts beating faster "why don't you take a look for yourself" she turns the screen to show me my perfectly healthy baby, I start crying "like I said, your baby is growing at the right size, with a brain. do you want the pictures" I smile and nod. Arizona prints my pictures as I sit up and wipe the cold gel off my belly, pull my scrub top down and wipe the tears off my face "are you going to go tell Owen now?" she smiles handing me my prints "no, not yet. we're not talking, or I'm not talking to him. he messed up and he knows it" Robbins hugs me "Amelia, it's his baby" "I will tell him, just not yet. please don't tell him, you know what happened last time you did that" we both laugh "don't worry, I won't be doing that again" I put my lab coat back on and put the ultrasound pictures into my pocket, thank Arizona and walk to my next surgery with a smile on my face.

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