Chapter 5

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I walk in to the scrub room and see Edwards in the OR prepping the patient, I turn and lean against the sink and pull out one of my ultrasound pictures. I look at it and feel a huge smile appear on my face. I stroke my thumb across the picture of the tiny human that was growing inside me. As mad as I am at Owen, we had talked about having kids multiple times although it was supposed to happen after we got married. I'm too busy thinking about my baby that I didn't notice Steph walking in "Dr Shepherd?" I look up and quickly put the picture back in my pocket and turn around to the taps "how are you feeling?" she asks, I smile "what's going on?" I turn to face her "okay, if I show you something you have to promise not to tell anyone. not Wilson, not Mer, not Maggie and definitely not Owen" she looks confused "promise" I pull the ultrasound back out, I look at it, look back at her before handing it over. She looks at it before looking at my belly and then my face "you?" I nod and smile as she hugs me "Amelia! congratulations!"  Steph lets me go and hands me back the photo and we start to scrub in "aww" "what?" I laugh "you're having a baby" she smiles "I'm having a baby, a healthy baby, with a brain" we go back to scrubbing in "have you told Owen?" I had already told her what had happened with Owen the other night "no and I'm not going to. not yet at least" she looks at me "Amelia, he deserves to know" I roll my eyes "I will tell him but not until I need to, i wanna wait until we are in a better place. I love him and I do want to have this baby with him but I'm just so mad at him right now I just can't face him" she nods "let's just talk about something other than Owen" we laugh and walk into the OR.

Sorry it took so long to update! It's been super hectic here! - Ash

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2017 ⏰

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