Chapter 2

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*(y/n)'s pov*

"There." I state to myself as I finish placing the second photo. It was family photo day and I told them to pose. I took that photo and printed two copies. One seceretly for my scrapbook and one for Aunt Cass. They kind of took me in when my parents became very ill. They eventually died when the illness spread rapidly throughout their bodies. I stayed with Aunt Cass until I could take care of myself. So I got a job, moved into a house, and got into college. I remember what Aunt Cass told me after I settled everything."If your parents were alive, they would be so very proud of you. Possibly more proud then me." Her voice echoed in my head. I sat on my bed lost in thought when the doorbell rang. I got u and walked to my door. I opened it and was greeted by a smiling Tadashi."Hey (n/n)." "Hey Dashi." "After all these years you still call me that?" "Yup." I popped the 'p'. Tadashi chuckled and I let him in."So what's up?" I ask shutting the door."Just wanted to come by and hang out with you. Maybe help you with your android." Tadashi looked a bit shy and I giggled, it was cute."Sure. Let me grab my bag and we can head to SFIT." I state and see Tadashi smile excitedly."Alright." I walk upstairs into my room. I slip on my favorite shoes, grab my bag, hide the photos and scrapbook, then walk down to Tadashi in the living room."Let's go." I state and Tadashi nods. I walk out with him and lock the door. Tadashi sat on his moped and waited. I sat behind him and put on the helmet, then wrapped my arms around him."Ready." I state and he turns on the moped. I rested my head on his back as we went toward SFIT. I felt him tense but relax at my action. We soon got there and went to my lab. I shut the door and the windows tinted so no one could see inside. There my android was, still as a metal skeleton.

*Tadashi's pov*

I was admiring the skeleton (y/n) made for the android."So it's going to be a male right?" (y/n) looked at me."Yeah. If I plan to make another one the second will be female" "What will his name be?" She shrugged."I don't know yet." I nod."So, what do we do now?" I clap my hands together and rub them a bit."Well, we need to add his organs. And then work on his outward apperance." (y/n) states."Organs?" I furrow my brows. (y/n) giggles and walks to a cabinet. She opens it and takes out a jar filled with a green liquid and something oval. (y/n) handed the jar to me and I looked at it. It was a heart but it was silver and still."What?" "I made normal human organs out of metal. That heart will beat and help his blood flow just like a normal heart." I was amazed."How long did it take to make this?" (y/n) blushes and shuffles her feet."About a week." My eyes widened."Have you tested it?" "Yes and it's fully operational." (y/n) stated with complete honesty."You just amaze me even more." I state and look back at the heart. (y/n) took out more jars in different colored liquids."Here's the rest of the organs. They all have little tiny plugs that go into the appropriate labeled ports in the skeleton. Once they're plugged, they can't ever be pulled. Even the hardest of punches, shoves, or yanks won't pull them out. Not even being hit by a car or plane." (y/n) stated with confidence."Alright." "Okay Tadashi. Put on some rubber gloves and let's get to work." (y/n) pulled out a pair of gloves and handed me the box. I took it and pulled out a pair, and put them on.

*(y/n)'s pov*

"And there we go." I spoke when I finished putting the last organ in its appropriate spot. I took a few steps back and admired our work while taking my gloves off."Amazing." Tadashi almost whispered as he stood next to me. We both took off our gloves and admired the skeleton."I love how the nerves are. They look amazing." Tadashi said and I looked at the nerves to. I made synthetic nerves mixed of plastic, metal, and rubber. But they work just like nerves in humans. I followed a diagram of the nervous system and placed them in the right places."Now it's time to add his muscles. Can't be just bones." Tadashi laughs at my response. We then grab the muscles."These are a mix of plastic and rubber. They also have regeneration properties. So he can get injured and bleed but they will mend together quickly. Deeper the cut the slower the regeneration time." I explain. Tadashi nods and we put the muscles in place, following a diagram of course.

*Tadashi's pov*

I was sitting in a chair panting, and drinking a bottle of water."All that's left to do is the skin, hair, eyes, eyelashes, voice, and charging port." I hear (y/n) say a bit breathless herself."Alright." I say and sip my water some more. (y/n) drank her water as well and then stands up. She stands in front of the android and I see her eyes water."I can't believe I'm almost done. If I didn't have you here to help I wouldn't have gotten this far. Thank you Tadashi, for everything." She looks at me and a few tears fall. I stand up and walk to her. Once I was a infront of her I wiped her tears with my thumbs."I'm always here for you (y/n). Whenever you need help please let me know, because I will do whatever it takes just to help you." I spoke from my heart."Thank you Dashi." "Anytime (n/n)." We hug and I smile, her hugs are the best. We pause our work, lock up her lab, and head to my moped. I drove her home and walked her to her door."Hey, why don't you stay for the night. It's pretty late Dashi." (y/n) suggests."Yeah, I'll call Aunt Cass." I state and sit on her couch while she goes upstairs.

*(y/n)'s pov*

"Hey Aunt Cass...I'm alright, not hurt...look I'm staying at (y/n)'s tonight...alright...yes Aunt Cass I you too...good night." Tadashi hangs up the phone. I throw some clothes on him."Those should fit you." I state and he looks at me, his brown eyes meet my (e/c) ones."Thanks." "You're welcome." Tadashi goes to the bathroom to change. I put some blankets on the couch and a pillow. I lay down and relax but Tadashi's voice speaks up."What are you doing?" "Sleeping on the couch, you get my bed." "I'm not taking you from your bed (n/n)." Tadashi picks me up which makes me squeal. He gently drops me on my bed and thn walks out."Good night!" He exclaims leaving my room. I rolled my eyes and huffed, relaxing."Night!" I reply and then fall asleep.

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