Chapter 5

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*(y/n)'s pov*

'I'm picking you up at six for the date tonight.' That was the text Tadashi sent me. I smiled and got ready for the date. He said it's very nice so I needed to get a formal outfit. So I chose a (f/c) dress ((photo)). I added simple makeup and a pair of matching earrings. I put on a shade darker (f/c) heels. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I was very nervous but I've always wanted this moment. I looked at the time and it said I had fifteen minutes until six. I tried some methods to calm down until Tadashi arrived.

*Tadashi's pov*

I was tying my tie in the mirror."Wow. Last time I saw you in a suit was for our parents funeral but you were still very young then." Hiro stated from behind me, his reflection in the mirror. I finished with my tie and straightened my suit jacket."Well, how do I look?" I turn and look at Hiro, he smiles and nods."You look great. May I know where this date will be?" I chuckle and fix my hair."Like I said before, it's a surprise." I check the time, half an hour to go. I sigh and sit on my bed."You okay?" Hiro sat next to me. I didn't even lift my head up to see him."I've wanted this for years...Hiro. Now that it's happening, I'm scared. Scared that it's just a dream and I'll wake up to just being friends with (y/n)." I admit."Well if you do wake up then ask her to be more than friends, just like this dream. But I guarantee that it isn't a dream. Enjoy the date big brother, have fun." I look at Hiro and he had a smile. I smiled and chuckled lightly."Thanks Hiro." "No problem." "I have one question though." I sit up some."And that is?" "When did you become so good with advice?" I ask and he shrugs."I have my moments." Hiro shrus and hops off my bed, heading downstairs. I sit there for a bit but shake myself out of my thoughts. I look at the time and get up. I then take Aunt Cass's car and drive to (y/n)'s place."Date time." I mutter to myself before going up to her front door.

*(y/n)'s pov*

I heard the doorbell ring and I knew it was Tadashi. My stomach filled with butterflies."It's open!" I yell. I hear the front door open and then close. I hear familiar soft footsteps and the squeak of the couch springs. I release a breath and grab my hand clutch purse. I slowly walk down the steps and see Tadashi stand from the couch and turn around to face me. His jaw dropped, eyes widened, and his eyebrows raised. After a bit of staring at me he shook his head."Wow....(y/n) you I'm speechless, really." He spoke as I got closer. Tadashi still had his mouth wide open. I smile sheepishly and gently grab it, shutting his mouth."Close your mouth or you'll catch flies." I spoke quietly. My cheeks were a bright red and his were a light pink. Tadashi held out an arm for me."Follow me m'lady." He smiled and I giggled. I locked my arm with his and replied."Lead the way good sir." Tadashi chuckled and we walked out of my house.

*Tadashi's pov*

We soon arrived at the restaurant. We walked to the woman arm in arm."Reservation for two under the name Hamada." I told her. She smiled and nodded grabbing two menus."Right this way Mr. Hamada." I begin to follow her with (y/n) by my side. We arrived at the table and she set the menus down. I pulled one chair out for (y/n)."Thank you." She smiled and sat down. I sat in the chair across from her. I pick up the menu and look through it."So what're you having?" I ask (y/n).

*(y/n)'s pov*

"I can't decide, everything looks and sounds good." I laugh a bit, Tadashi chuckled. A waiter came by and asked for our drinks."Oh um (f/d) please." I replied politely."Water for me." Tadashi smiled and the waiter nodded writing it down. He then left and I looked around the place."How did you even afford this?" I look at Tadashi."I have my ways." He shrugged with a smile. The waiter comes back and gives us our dinks, then asked what we would like."I would like this." I point to my choice, I couldn't pronounce it. The waiter chuckles and writes it down."I will have the..." Tadashi said the name of the meal he picked. I couldn't even understand what he said. The waiter wrote it down, took our menus, and left. I take a sip of my drink and look at Tadashi who seemed to be staring."Take a picture, it'll last longer." I giggle as he blushed a bit."Oh uh...sorry." Tadashi apologized. I giggle more and he pouts."It's not funny when you laugh at someone's misfortune." Tadashi stated and that made me laugh more. After a while the waiter returned and gave us our meals, wishing we would enjoy it. I took a bite and instantly smiled."This is really good." I say finishing my bite."I agree. This tastes really good." Tadashi states. I took a few more bites and sipped my drink.

*Tadashi's pov*

"Full already?" I asked (y/n), noticing she had stop eating and at least a little food was still left on her plate."Yes, very full." I chuckle. When I finished my meal I heard a slow song play and I saw a few people move to a large empty area of the restaurant, beginning to dance. I stood up and held out a hand to (y/n)."May I have this dance?" I asked and she smiled."Yes you may." She took my hand. I lead her to the dance floor and carefully placed my hands on her waist. (y/n) wrapped her arms around my neck and we began to slow dance. After a few minutes of dancing (y/n) moved closer and rested her head on my chest. My arms were now wrapped around her waist. I smiled a bit and continued to dance with her."Dashi?" "Yeah?" (y/n) lifted her face and her eyes met mine."Thank you for tonight." I smile."You're welcome." After a bit of silence and just eye contact, I move a few stray strands of her hair behind her ear. (y/n) leaned into my touch which made me slightly smile. Slowly but surely I began to lean in and (y/n) began to lean in to. We were only at least centimeters away when the song stopped and everyone began to applaud. We both move away quickly and (y/n) was bight red, my cheeks were most likely red too."Let's go back and pay for dinner." I try not to stutter."Y-yeah. Of course." (y/n) agrees and we make our way back to our table. I pay for dinner and we leave afterward. I dropped (y/n) off at her house and quickly drove to mine. I had so much to tell Hiro about.

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