Chapter 6

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*Tadashi's pov*

I rushed into the room and quickly took off my jacket and tie."Whoa...calm down big brother. What happened?" Hiro stated, his hands held up to tell me to calm down as he walked closer to me."We almost kissed Hiro." I almost exclaimed, running my fingers through my hair and plopping onto my bed."What? Tell me everything." "Alright. I took (y/n) to a fancy restaurant and we ate and talked. Then a slow song started to play so we started to dance with the other couples there. After a bit of dancing we stayed silent and just stared into each other's eyes. Then we started to lean in, and right when we were about to kiss the music ended and everyone around us started to applaud. Then we broke away from the embrace and paid for dinner, leaving and me dropping her off at the home." I told Hiro. Hiro just looked at me surprised and blinked a few times."Wow. You almost kissed and something ruined it. What will you do now?" Hiro sat in the chair at his desk, moving closer to my bed."I really don't know. I've got nothing." I state and rest my forehead in my hands, elbows on my thighs. I was looking at my lap when I felt something tap me, Hiro tapped me to get my attention so I looked up from my lap."I'm not giving up on you. You don't need to do something huge or extravagant to get her to kiss you. Just....finish what you started. She'll either end it, or let it continue. It's all a matter of time, patience, and being prepared for what will happen." Hiro said with a small smile as I looked back at him."Thanks Hiro." "Anytime bro. Now promise me two things." Hiro held up two fingers."What?" "One," He held up his index finger."You'll buy me a pack of gummy bears." I chuckled."Alright, and?" Hiro then lifted up his next finger, forming a peace sign hand gesture."And two, don't put your tongue down her throat when I'm around." Hiro made a disgusted face and I laughed, ruffling his hair."Alright, I promise. To both of those." Hiro smacked my hands away."Good. So I'll be getting the gummy bears tomorrow right?" Hiro smiled, showing his gapped teeth."Sure." I shrugged."Now go to bed, it's late." I stood up and he moved his chair back."Fine. Good night." Hiro saluted me as he got into bed."Good night." I told him as I began to change into my pajamas, getting into bed and falling asleep.


The next day I was in my lab at SFIT and heard a knock at my door."Come in." I said, hearing the door open and close. I grabbed a towel and wiped the oil on my hands off, turning to see who came in."Hey Tadashi, how's the project?" Honey asked me."Uh, it's going good so far. Just need to add some little things. What's up?" I finished cleaning my hands, setting the towel down."Have you seen (y/n) today?" Honey asked, I frowned."She's not in her lab?" Honey shook her head."Me and everyone else has looked around campus. She's not here." I got worried."Uh...I'll go to the café to see if Hiro has seen her. Look around any places we've all been together." "Alright." Honey walked out. I packed my stuff and hurried out the buiding, hopping onto my moped and rushing to the café. I ran into the bedroom upstairs, startling Hiro."Hiro!" I panted."What? Everything ok?" "Have you seen (y/n) today?" Hiro made a thinking face."Yes, she came in and ordered a coffee. Then she walked out and drove somewhere, she didn't say where though when I asked. Why?" I caught my breath."She didn't show up at SFIT today. The gang is worried, and so am I." "Have you checked her spot?" I was confused."What?" Hiro sighed."Her spot. Don't you remember?" I thought."Oh yeah. No, not yet." "Well go check there." Hiro said and I nodded, running to my moped and rushing to (y/n)'s spot.

*(y/n)'s pov*

I stood at the shore, the tiny waves hitting my bare feet, toes digging into the sand. I held my arms close to keep warm, watching the waves crash out in the distance."(y/n)!!" I heard but didn't turn around. Soon a warm hand was on my shoulder and I saw Tadashi there, panting a bit."(y/n). Why didn't you come to SFIT?" He asked me. I shrugged."Too much on my mind I guess." "Well I'm here for you, I'm all ears. You can talk to me." Tadashi spoke. I sighed and looked back out toward the water."If you had to swim a thousand miles in the ocean, just to reach a small island where your lover is, would you do it?" I spoke."Of course. Anything just to be with her. Swimming out in the sea, crossing a railroad, the street of busy traffic, running to catch up to her in a meadow or wherever. No matter the situation, I will always try to find her to be with her." I heard him say. When I turned to him, I met his eyes immediately."I would to." I state, looking back toward the water. Soon I felt Tadashi's warm hand cup my cheek, turning my face to look at him."The person I was talking about, is you (y/n)." He told me."I really like you. And I want to finish what I started last night." I was confused."Wha-" I was cut off. Tadashi's warm, soft, and smooth lips were on mine. The space between us was nonexistent now. My arms wrapped around his neck, his were around my waist. I felt a cool breeze blow gently, hearing the waves crash. Soon we broke apart and rested our foreheads together."Better now?" Tadashi asked, I smiled."Much." Tadashi chuckled and we kissed again. After a while we got onto our bikes and I went home, Tadashi going back to SFIT. I showered and got into warm, comfy clothes, tying my hair into a small messy bun. When I slipped into my bed, I fell asleep quickly.

*Tadashi's pov*

When I walked into (y/n)'s house it was quiet. I walked upstairs and entered her room quietly and carefully. I walked to the bed and smiled when I saw her asleep peacefully. I pulled up the covers and kissed her forehead gently."Dashi?" She asked so quietly."Yeah?" "Can you stay with me?" "Sure." I took off my shoes and jacket, placing my hat on her dresser. I slipped into her bed beside (y/n). She buried her face in my chest and I blushed, but I wrapped my arms around her and fell asleep soon after her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2017 ⏰

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