First contact

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(Y/N) = your name

The trainings been hard, but I made it. I'm finally a soldier.
It's always been my dream. I can finally prove to everyone that I'm worth something. I'm not just the sissy girl from Shiganshina who ran away anymore. I'm the girl who served. Who protected. One of the only ones brave enough to step up and fight back.

As I'm walking back to my dorm I pass a lot of other people in the hallways. Including Armin. They all seem tired from the days training.
I never really payed any attention to the other soldiers or to making friends. It all seems fairly pointless when most of the people you meet will most likely die. There's lots of soldiers that look friendly. But I'd prefer not to get into s relationship that wouldn't last long. I only really know Armin , my cousin.
" Hey Armin, do you know anyone who got into the top 10?", I said.
"Oh hey (Y/N), I know that Eren ,Mikasa and Jean did".
I'm not really sure what the point in asking was. I don't really know many of the others. I only vaguely know Mikasa and Eren. I know that they are his best friends and always have been.  Mikasa seems to be very protective. And Eren always seems to be zoned out. Like we're not worth his time. He has better things to be thinking about and focusing on. Like the Titans. I don't blame him. I know what the Titans are like. I know what they did to my family and my home. I'm angry too.
"Whose Jean?" . I can't say I'm not a little bit curious.
"Oh , Jean Kirstein. I wouldn't really call him a friend or anything but I know him fairly well". Armin pointed him out to me. He's not too bad looking. The sort of charming yet douchey type. He has browny blonde hair and pail skin. He seems to be quite a lot taller than me too. He has a nice smile.
"Yeah, him and Eren don't get along very well, they're both very competitive. They fight ALOT", yawned Armin while stretching."Anyways, I gotta get back before inspection, I hope we can catch up later (Y/N)". He gave me his classic, cheesy Armin smile and went on his way.
I keep on walking.
Oh no! I left my jacket in the dining hall!
I run back to get it. It takes me a good 10 minutes because somebody handed it in. I then return to my dorm room.
I wish i didn't have to get a lecture EVERY time I forget someth-
Someone bumps into me.
"Oh! Sorry I didn't see you there. Are you ok?"
"yeah I'm fi-". Now that he's closer up, I can see that it's Jean. He has the most beautiful hazel eyes... Oh god why am I thinking like this.
We stare into each other's eyes for a few seconds. It didn't last long but it felt like ages. It wasn't exactly awkward but it made us both go red.
"H-hey I can't say I've seen you around before. What's your name", he looked confused, yet kind of curious.
"(Y/N). U-uh I gotta go for inspection, see you around!", I don't know why but my heart felt like it was beating faster than usual. But anyways I gotta get back before it's too late...

(Time passes)

I'm lying down in my bunk bed. I sleep under a girl named Sasha or something like that. It's not the comfiest but it's bearable. Most of the soldiers sleep quietly. But Sasha snores loudly. Keeping some other people up too.
I can't stop thinking about what happened in the hall way. I've got the bruise as a memento. Ugh, what am I thinking... I'm sure it was nothing...

(Jean x reader) let me go /COMPLETED/Where stories live. Discover now