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It's been about a week since you first met Jean. You've talked about 3 or 4 times since.

Your in your dorm. Listening in to conversations from the other girls.
"What do you think about Eren ?" ,said an unknown soldier.
Sasha replied,"I'm not really sure. He's too angry and uptight for me. Personally I'd like someone like Connie"
The whole room filled with 'oooooh's and giggles. They all still act like little children at sleepovers. I'm not into that kind of girly stuff. I don't really fit into the stereotype.
"Hey (Y/N) , who do you like? "
This caught me off guard. Oh god. How do I answer?!
"U-uhm. W-well it's not real-" , i stuttered.
"Cmon! Spill! We won't tell ",butted in Sasha.
I couldn't lie to them. They're not my friends so I don't really have any obligation to tell them, but I don't lie.
I explain to them about Jean and how I felt around him when we bumped into each other and when we talked the other times. The girls confirmed I have a crush on Jean. I don't deny it.

(Some Time passes)

Today were doing paired training. I've been put with Jean. We're doing close combat.
"Hey (Y/N), do you want to be the bad guy first?", said Jean. He seemed happier than usual today. Most of the time he just sits at the back of the dining hall or hangs to the sides of the halls with his best friend, Marco. They always seem pretty quiet but I've heard rumours that when they're in their dorm, they won't shut up.
"Yeah. But be warned. I won't go easy on you ", might as well enjoy myself while I'm here.
"Oh I'm counting on it". Jean gave a little snigger and went into a stance. He was ready.
I lunged the wooden knife at Jean, running full speed at the same time. Jean smirked as I got closer.
He grabbed my arm and flipped me over. But before I could hit the floor he grabbed my hands to support me. It looked like the ending pose for a dance at a ball. A fancy ball.
Wow. He truly is amazing. He's too good for me. After all. He was 6th out of the top 10. Someone that good wouldn't have time for someone like me. I don't have a chance. But in this moment.  I'm here with him. He's holding my hands and staring into my eyes. It may be my own fantasy. But I'm happy. With him.
Some moments passed. Nobody moves
"Hey um. Are you alright?"  Jean looked a little worried.
"Yeah. I'm. I'm just fine " . I really was.
We resumed taking it in turns to defend and attack.
" hey. (Y/N). Did you wanna come and eat with me and Marco today. It's ok if you don't. But I was just wondering. " he says this while scratching the back of his head. He seems a little embarrassed.
My heart begins to beat 10x it's normal speed. I bet I look red. Oh god I hope I don't look red.

(Time passes)

We're eating together at Jean's table. I'm sat next to him.
Wow. I'm actually sitting with him ! This is amazing. I can't control my excitement.
I give the worlds biggest grin
"What's got you so happy", said Jean
Guess it's about time I've gotta wake up.
"O-oh nothing. I'm just in a good mood"
We continue to eat dinner. We learn a lot about each other. And share a lot of laughs. We've become a lot closer today

(Jean x reader) let me go /COMPLETED/Where stories live. Discover now