The expedition pt 2

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You and some other trainees (including Jean )were on an expedition to go catch another Titan for Hanji. A black flare was fired and you were caught by a Titan. Will you survive? Or is this the end?
Continue ...

As I say my final goodbyes, I'm sent up into the titans huge mouth. I shut my eyes tight waiting for the impact of the titan's huge, powerful jaws.
I can't say I have too many regrets. Maybe I could've done something to protect my family, maybe I could've made a few more friends. Or. Maybe I could've told Jean how I felt. There really wasn't much else. But it doesn't really matter now.
As I hear my name for one last time from my screaming comrades, it all goes black.        I accept my fate.

It hurts... oh god it hurts...
why can I still feel... shouldn't it be over by now?
The pain... it's excruciating...
It's.... just my arm?


It's a horrible feeling. The pain.


Your eyes slowly open. The light is almost unbearable. blinding even. You can see almost nothing but white. All except the silhouette of your savour.

( hahaha. You were expecting Jean right? Well plot twist XD moohaha :3)

"Oh god (y/n) thank god. I got there in time" Armin let out a huge sigh of relief. He saved me. But... something feels off. Like I'm missing something.

As your eyes adjust to the light. You look around. Not only finding Jean and the others injured and tired. But also the blood stained bandage that's wrapped around the oozing stump where your left arm should be . You survived. But not in one piece.

"No" I said. Borderline crying. "This can't be happening"
"(y/n) I'm sorry. My harness got caught on my horses saddle, if I had just checked before we set off you wouldn't.." I cut him off
"Armin. It's ok. You saved me. Thank you". I stroke his soft blonde hair with the only arm I had left. It may not be ideal but at least I'm alive.
As I try to sit up. I make eye contact with Jean. I can see the tears streaming down his face. His eyes don't look like his. They look too traumatised. Like the eyes of a mad man. What could he have seen. Me? The other comrades?.

"(Y/n). It should've been me. I should've taken your place ...o-or at least saved you. It should've been me ". For the first time since I woke up. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I was more ok with my arm being bitten off than this. This isn't fair. Why would he say that. He can't say that. Its not fair.
"Jean. Please don't say that. Why. Why would you say that..." the tears fall down my face. They're cool
"Because I'm supposed to be here for you"
" WHY" I start to scream at him.
To be continued

(Jean x reader) let me go /COMPLETED/Where stories live. Discover now