The expedition pt 1

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It's been a month and you've sat with Jean and Marco everyday. You hang out quite a lot nowadays. Your crush on Jean has only grown stronger.

Corporal Levi and commander Erwin have told everyone their groups for the expedition today. You've been put with ; Mikasa, Armin, Jean and another unknown soldier.

You head off.

We have Mikasa on our team so we don't have to worry too much about any Titans. We know we can handle it. Mikasa and Armin are in the front. They're about 5 meters in front of us. Me, Jean and the other soldier are in the back. I'm kind of glad it's like this. We finally get some fresh air. And a bit of space. Although. We can't slack while there's still danger. We have to finish the mission. Hanji wants us to secure ANOTHER Titan for her to experiment on. I would've gone insane from the amount of times we've had to do this if I didn't get to hang out with Jean this time.
"How much further till we reach the check point Armin?" Jean seemes to be taking this very seriously. Its admirable. He always seems focused when he needs to be. He has a determined, sexy look on his face.
"Not long".
We've been travelling for a good few hours and haven't seen any Titans yet. It seems a little too peaceful. But I'll take what I can get. We're not too far from the other teams. Marco,Connie and some others are in the south and we can also see Eren and Sasha to the west of us. They seem to get on quite well. I wouldn't be surprised if Sasha was lying about not liking Eren. It looks like Mikasa thinks that too. I've never seen anyone look so dead inside. Or as if they wanted someone else to be. I remember Armin saying once that Mikasa has a thing for Eren. I'm pretty sure everyone else must know by now. It's pretty obvious. She babies him like she's his mother. But I guess he needs one. I heard he lost both his parents and has been angry ever since. There's not a lot of information that hasn't been around the girls dorms. Gossip travels pretty fast .
Suddenly, we heard screams coming from the west side.
Oh my god.
It looks close to Eren and Sasha. So of course Mikasa goes off to protect Eren. It can't be too close to us though , the flare was from a good half a mile away.
There starts to be a big thumping sound. But that could just be the horses picking up speed. Armin turns around to check it out. His face changed. He looks like he just saw a ghost. Or in this situation.  A Titan. It's a funny look.
Haha. Why does he look so frightened. I should tell him that there can't be any Titans that close. Maybe it will reassure him
"Haha, Armin! What's wrong?!" His face is just too funny.
"(Y/N)!!!!", screams Armin.
All of a sudden I'm being lifted up by a huge sweaty hand. The other solder is crushed by a huge foot. The body smushed on the floor in a big mushy pile. A Titan.
But how?
Ow. It hurts. It's so tight I can barely. Breathe. Let alone move. My legs are the only part free. I could try swinging them back and forth. Ow. Its squeezing harder. I promised dad I would die for something. I want to be the girl that served. And lived. Not JUST the girl who fought and served. Ow. I'm not going to die here. There must be something I can do. No. I can't move. I can feel it's warm, pungent breathe as the beast lifts me towards its mouth. Goodbye...

(Jean x reader) let me go /COMPLETED/Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora