Chapter 1

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Harry: I lay on the cold ground of the basement. Trembling and terrified, I longed to call out for someone, but the tape on my mouth blocked all sounds. Staring at my uncle fearfully, I whimpered as he brought the sharp metal down on my back. Darkness soon clouded my vision.

Petunia: I watched my husband drive away down the street, "Mom." I turned to my son and met his worried gaze "He's not in his room or the cupboard." Dudley said. Fear shot through my heart at the thought of my nephew hurting. "Check outside in the shed." I said knowing he would be out of the house when I checked the basement. With a nod, Dudley left the house and I headed for the basement.

Malfoy Manor:

Severus: I sat in a chair, a glass of fire whiskey in my hand and my brothers' voice filling the silence. Shaking my head, I downed the rest of my glass and set it down.

Tom: "Lucius!" I snapped finally losing patience with the man beside me "Love, the Ministry in interesting, but not what we need."

Severus: I scoffed and slumped backwards in the chair. Suddenly the fire flared to life and Fenrir and Remus stepped out.

Lucius: I threw up my hands after the newcomers were seated. "What is this? A meeting place now?"

Tom: "Yes." I couldn't help the smirk that grew on my face and poked his shoulder.

Remus: "Maybe we should put away the whiskey?" I suggested "You're all quite drunk."

Lucius: "Please do." I said waving the bottles away.

Remus: I quickly gathered up the bottles and vanished them

Draco: I was in my room when a sudden tapping on the window drew my attention to a white and red owl. Standing up, I opened the window and the bird fluttered in. I recognized Potters' owl at the same time I realized she wasn't red. She was covered in blood. Snatching the letter from her claws, I checked the name before I was bolting to the sitting room.

Severus: I relaxed against Lucius while chatting with Remus when the doors were flung open. "Uncle Sev!"

Draco: I literally toppled over my fathers' feet in my haste to deliver the letter.

Severus: I sighed and rolled my eyes, taking the letter from his hand and flipping it over.

Dear Severus,

Before she died, my sister told me that if anything came up, to write to you. I'm afraid things have taken a turn for the worse. It's about Harry. I discovered him in the basement beaten and he's not breathing really well. If you are able to, please come and help.


Petunia Evans

Lucius: We were all on our feet when Sev finished the letter, our drunkenness forgotten. Tom snarled and gripped his wand.

4 Privet Drive:

Harry: I slowly, blinked and stared up at the living room ceiling. My breaths coming in struggling pants. "Harry?" "Aunt Tuna?" I asked hoarsely. She nodded weakly. "Find him. He took him!" "He took who Harry?" "The twins, he took the twins....please Auntie help them."

Petunia: I froze as he slipped back into unconsciousness. "Dudley, what did you see in Harry's room?" I asked without looking away from my nephew. "Nothing really." He replied "Though the space under the window was cleared and free of dust as though something is there." "A disillusion charm." My head snapped up as Severus Snape stepped into the room. "I can check it after I finish tending to Harry.

Severus: I sat back after a good 3 hours of healing. "Petunia, what happened? A lot of those scars and wounds were old." "What?" She paled and stared at the prone form "I don't understand. He never showed any signs of pain when he got hurt. Even growing up, he rarely said anything to me." "I think dad scared him." The boy said suddenly "He never stuck around when dad was here." "That bastard. He said he never hurt him." She sobbed. "You believed him?" Lucius asked, his voice full of disbelief. "What else was I supposed to do?" She asked "I had my suspicions, but I had no proof if he was actually doing anything." "Well, we should check the room then." Tom said.

Lucius: We all trooped upstairs, Petunia kept getting paler and paler. "What are scared of finding?" I looked at her "Drugs?" "No. Harry woke up briefly before you arrived and he said something that has me really worried." She said fearfully "Something about Vernon taking the twins? I'm not sure what he meant." We entered the room and Tom waved his wand to break all enchantments in the room. The window lit up and slowly, the charms melted to show a crib with 2 blue blankets but no babies. "So there were twins." Severus said "Vernon needs to be found." "Petunia...." Tom looked at the women who had gone deathly white "Oh no!" "Oh no, what?" "Vernon let something slip yesterday, I never had the chance to tell Harry, but Vernon and the old man were stealing from his vaults. Vernon is probably taking the twins to a place where the old man will be."

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