Chapter 4

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Draco P.O.V.

"It's Samuel. Samuel Abraxas Tobias Black. Son of Regulus Black and his mate." The words hung in the air between us as I stared at my lost cousin. "I should've realized you had Black blood in you after all your adventures." "Yeah." He smiled sadly before looking at me "I remember who the twins fathers are." "Really who?" "Harry!" Aunt Bella's voice rang through the manor drawing everyone to the library.

Harry P.O.V.

I stumbled to a stop on the stairs following Bella's gaze to twin wolf pups tussling. "What the...." Draco stared at me then to the pups. "I'm guessing they get this from their father?" I nodded before walking over to the tangled pups and lifting them apart. "Enough. Jasper, James." Both pups whined and gave real puppy eyes up at Sam. He groaned and cuddled both pups. "I swear you two are worse then your father." "They're father is an animagus?" I looked up to see that Tom, Severus and Lucius had joined us in the library. Shaking my head, I set the pups down before sitting on the sofa. "Not quite." I sighed "He's a werewolf. His family tree shows that many generations, Alexei Hale was a shape-shifter demon. He was cursed by a wizard to only retain one of his shifts. His form was that of a wolf. With every generation, the gene grew stronger until the family was classified as werewolves. In the beginning only the males retained the genes to shift, but each generation female had a part of that gene until both male and female had the gene. Unfortunately, now-a-days there aren't a lot of the Hale members alive. Only Peter Hale and my mate, Derek, are left. The whole family was wiped out because of Peter and other wizards." "No Hale has ever gone to Hogwarts." Severus said. "No, it happened during that holiday in march that Dumbledore gave everyone due to the supposed death eaters camping in the forest." I glanced down at the pups before looking back up. "I ran into Derek the second day, at the park in Little Whinging. We got to know each other well. The last day of vacation was a full moon. He was already fighting his wolf to wait, the moon made it harder. That was the last night we ever saw each other. I found out I was pregnant in April, however, somehow Dumbledore knew the next day and meddled with my memories so I didn't remember who my mate was." I blinked away tears before I sighed "Somehow, I can't tell where Derek iss nowadays." "Don't worry about a thing Harry. We'll find Derek soon." "I hope so." I sighed and leaned against Draco.

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