Ch.10: we find the the last two players

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Ch.10: We find the last two players

Annabeths pov

When I first saw Percy I didn't know what to really do and then when they all pulled each others hoods down I was about ready to have heart failyer. this whole week has been pretty messed up for everyone then bam, six people we had been missing appear.

Honestly I don't know what to do with my self. the good part of all this is that we now know who the son of the sea is in the third great prophecy. i don't know about you but i would say percy was a great prophecy magnet.

When percy and the others took off there hoods the gods exploded. first it was Athena who spoke "how dare you leave and then come and show back up for all the glory." then it was Apollo and Hermes "Percy! we missed ya bud." "ya, and Conner, Travis, Chris, and Nico. not any funny pranks around with out you guys here." they all broke out into goofy grins. Poseidon ran and squeezed Percy to death. Hades ran and did the same with Nico, which I found kind of odd, since I didn't see the lord of the dead as a emotional type of guy. Zeus just stood there then he grinned and patted each one of the missing heroes on the back. Ares sat here and just nodded. Demeter went ballistic and started balling while hugging Katy Gardner. and Hestia smiled and hugged them all.

I didn't know the gods could be so emotional ( especially hades ) but I guess when someone important disappears and then comes back it can bring out a side in everyone that has never been shown.

Everyone was so happy we all cheered and had one big group hug. for that tiny moment it felt like nothing ever happened and that Percy and the others never left. it felt like the perfect moment. I would do anything to have thing the way they were before.

When everyone left it was just me and Percy in the mess hall. I was kind of nervous, I wanted to know if he ever forgave me for the little incident. I know I never forgave my self for it. he turned around an smiled "hey" he said, I smiled and let out a little wave. I didn't know what to say so I cut straight to the point "I'm sorry for what happened before and it was wrong of me for doing that." Percy nodded then said "it's ok, I tried to look at it from your perspective during the years I was away and I can see were your coming from with this," I went to say something but he put his hand up obviously not done. "and I can see it wasn't your fault, so I forgive you." I ran over and gave him a giant hug, I let him go and said, with a giant smile on my face "thanks, sea weed brain!" he smiled to before we walked hand in hand down to the sword arena.

While we were in the sword arena we practiced sword fighting. I showed him some of my new moves. dagger and sword ones. and Percy showed me some of his new moves. he told me the areas that I needed to work on and I told him the areas that he needed to work on.

Some of the campers cam into the arena and sat down to watch us fight. at some point we started dueling and that went on for about twenty minutes till we both gave up. guess we still new each others tack ticks in combat. by the time we were done fighting we had almost everyone watching use. some were during our duel Will from the Apollo camper.

I was so tired when we all surrendered that I ended up laying in the dirt while everyone clapped wildly. I don't know were Will learned to fight like that but he was pretty good.

The gods walked in to the arena and looked around then Zeus said "I think we just found the three from the prophecy." and course of applauds went up and people ran and lifted us up on their shoulders chanting our names "Annabeth, Percy, Will." and I new, we could win this, no matter how hard.


hey guys thanks so much for all your support. guess what 1,240 reads 56 votes and 37 comments. i'm gonna go crazy. thanks to apple11112 for answering the question first. and thanks to everyone else who answered the questions to. I will dedicate the next chapter to the person who answers the question correct and first. I will be doing this from now on as the reword.

question: in Percy Jackson the titans curse what group saved Percy, Grover, Thalia, Nico, and Bianca's lives.

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love ya demigods

love, theoneyouseek33

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