Ch. 22: A Dream of Dragons

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Ch. 22: A Dream of Dragons

I slowly opened my eyes when I realized that the bedroom light was on. I rubbed my eyes from the blazing light that threatened to make me blind and rolled over, shoving my face into my pillow. Someone walked over to the side of the bed and stood there, I peaked from the corner of my pillow. Thalia was standing there with a goofy grin on her faces, I rolled my eyes and buried my face deeper into my pillow. Thalia poked my shoulder "fish face," she whispered "you need to get up, we have some trouble." I groaned and rolled of the bed with a thunk, Thalia had to jump out of the way before being knocked over. I looked over and she glared at me, putting her finger to her lips to shush me. I rolled my eyes and got up to my feet. Thalia walked out the bedroom leaving me to grab riptide and a shirt. Before I left the room I turned my head and caught a glimpse of Annabeth snuggled tight in the blankets with a peaceful face.

I shut the door and walked down the hall with Thalia. When we got to the stairs Thalia finally explained to me what was going on "I don't know what's going on down there, but I was on guard duty and all the sudden I heard a commotion. It's stopped now but I wanted to go check out the damage." I nodded and uncapped riptide, together we walked down the hotel stairs.

When we got to the bottom of the stairs Thalia motioned toward the other side of the wall we were on. I nodded. Thalia strung a bow an arrow and I counted to three and together we sprung out from the wall yelling "AHHHHH." I was not expecting such a clutter down stairs so maybe I should have watched were I was going because when I came out from behind the wall I slide on a bottle Pepsi. Thalia's face went red from trying not to laugh and I quickly picked my self up before looking any more idiotic.

When I got up I came belly button to face with a giant person. My only thought was holly Hera, that is one big belly button. I slowly followed my way up the giant torso and came face to eye with a woman Cyclopes. I cleared my throat and gave a smile "are you Maley?" The Cyclopes nodded and shoved a hand full of peanut butter in her mouth. If I didn't trust Briaries so much I would have thought he sent us on a fools mission. Maley nodded her giant head and fixed her one eye on me, I got nervous so I continued to make small talk. " Hi, Maley. I'm Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon. Um, do you know a Cyclopes named Tyson by any chance." Maley just starred before she finally spoke " I know who you are Perseus Jackson, but I do not know this Tyson you speak of." I looked at Thalia she shooed me on "so Maley," I continued "my friend Briaries sent us your way, he told us you knew about the items we are seeking." Maley nodded "the dragon has sent me dreams of the future, that is what he does. " I nodded, before I continued talking the rest of the gang showed up. I looked at Annabeth and mouthed Maley, she nodded and took it from here.

Maley had just noticed everyone at the bottom of the stairs and shifted her feet so she was facing Thalia, Annabeth, Grover, Will, and Travis. I ran over to the rest of the guys so I wouldn't be flattened to death by a twenty ton human. Annabeth had just finished introducing everyone when Maley leaned down to see us better "I know who you all are," she began " and the only way you will be able to meet my dear friend Fredrick the dragon is if you go into such a deep sleep you are on the brink of death." Travis held his hands up 'good luck with that one guys because I am not participating." Thalia smacked him in the back of the head. Annabeth answered the million dollar question "how do we do that?" Maley smiled "young Demigods. on the edge of the cliff there is a coconut tree like no other. You will know what I am talking about when you get there. Grab the yellow flower that grows around it, it will put you into the deep sleep you need and you will come in contact with Fredrick." she gave us the map we would need, "good luck young heroes. All I need for you to do for me is to clean this mess up once I leave."

Once Maley finally left I took charge and made a plan " Travis Grover, and Thalia go find this flower. Annabeth, Will, and I will clean up the gift shop mess." We all split and started the tasks at hand. I picked up all the bottles of cold drinks and put them back into the iceboxes. Annabeth was currently sweeping up all the items that had become so crushed they were unable to be sold while Will took the security footage and deleted the confrontation that had gone on down stairs.

Thalia, Grover, and Travis arrived twenty minutes after we had finished cleaning the gift shop up. We made our way upstairs and decided we wanted to do this whole sleep thing in my room.

We took a voting on who wanted to fall asleep, three of us raised our hands. After a brief discussion we agreed I would be the one to fall asleep. I took the flower and studied it "so, I'm just supposed to eat the flower." Grover sniffed the flower "I guess so." I shrugged my shoulders and shoved the electric yellow flower into my mouth with no hesitation.

At first the flower had no taste then out of no were it felt like you were swallowing gas. From there it just got worse, like some one put more gas in your mouth and lit it on fire. I thought to my self, great, this is how it ends. I didn't have a brilliant conclusion of life and I defiantly didin't see my life flash before my eyes. I didn't know if this was because it was not my time to die yet or if it was because I've already come to my conclusion of life and that I've already had the great flash of the past happen to me.

I finally came to peace and found my self outside a black palace surrounded by brown dead grass and blooming blossom trees, which were an odd combination. The palace wasn't as grand as Hades palace and that's how I knew I wasn't in the part of the under world were all the dead lived.

I'd like to say that I marched right up to the palace doors and swung them open making my grand entrance and demanding to speak to Fredrick, but that would be a lie. What really happened was I slowly and cautiously made my way up the tiny steps and gently creaked the front door open before calling out "hello, is Fredrick home? I'd like to speak with him." There was a black swoosh of mist that came from all three corridors around me. All I saw was black, nothing else. The mist wasn't trying to hurt me but it swirled around me until I couldn't tell which way was right and what way was up.

The mist finally stopped swirling and I had to throw my hands out to steady my self. When the would finally stopped spinning I found my self face to face with a tiger. I would call it a tiger though because it had a tiger head and a dragon body. I gulped "I-I'm Percy---" I was cut off "I know who you are, the question is, what do you want?" I looked the beast in the eye "I need the sword the dagger and the bow-an-arrow." the tiger dipped its head "I suppose my suspicions are true." I smiled and then frowned when i realized the beast was speaking English, in my head.

Fredrick climbed off his throne and walked to one side of the room. He looked back and spoke "you already have the sword you need, it is the one resting in your hand. For the other to items," he said as he pulled away a curtain "they are right here." I walked up to the case holding the dagger and the bow-an-arrow. I gasped when I saw the dagger that was enclosed in the case "that's Annabeths dagger, it fell into Tarturas! How'd you get it!" Fredrick smiled "I have resources. Only the leader of the prophecy will be able to take out the items in the cases." I nodded, for once I could actually retrieve something with out being fought or having to take some tip of quiz. I looked up at Fredrick, this was to good to be true. As if he was reading my thoughts, which I wouldn't have put it past him, he responded "The creators of Earth are the ones who locked me down here for ever a prisoner with the company of people who are almost dead, I want them back locked up, for ever feeling my pain." I nodded and with one big strike from riptide i broke the cases holding the weapons.

I picked up the weapons and when the weapons touched a spark blew off and a portal opened up "Fredrick looked at the portal and grinned "we can both be free, the power of the weapons combined has made a portal to your world." I smiled and patted Fredric's head "lets go" i said " it's time you came to planet Earth.


I did another update

question is the same from the last chapter

thanks for everyone reading, voting, commenting. It makes me smile (especially your guys's awesome comments.) I'll edit my story later so sorry for any mistakes, I right on my iPod sometimes and when I don't i write at night.

vote, comment, read

love ya demigods



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