Ch. 21: Life is an Unexpected Journey

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Ch. 21: Life is an Unexpected Journey


I looked at Apollo like he had two heads "who in Hades name would just make you willingly give up your ride!" Apollo looked back at the pilot pit "lets just say destruction if terrifying, like worse that Zeus when someone takes his master bolt and calls him weak." Will groans "dad your not suppose to just hand the plain over! Now unless we jump we are all completely in the hands of our enemies!"

When Will suggested we jump everyone looked at him and like he was crazy, all except Annabeth. Which I took this as a bad sign. Annabeth pointed at Will "that may not be such a bad idea." Thalia's face pales "are you crazy," she exclaimed, "I barely like flying, let alone jumping out of a moving plane up in the are!" I gave a sheepish smile "I agree with Thalia on this one." Travis, Grover, and Will on the other hand had no problem jumping out of a plane. Apollo on the other hand ditched us the minute Annabeth suggested jumps out of the plane.

Destructions voice came over the intercom "good luck on your trip! II've mad it especially hard for you." Annabeth grabbed six of the eight parachutes that were stuffed under the Eight seats in the middle of the plane.

We all strapped the parachutes on and helped one another make sure the contraptions were safe. I know I've jumped out of a window with a pair of mechanical wings that only lasted a certain amount of time but this was way more energizing. I mean come on, I'm about to jump out of a moving plane for the first time and I have no idea what I'm doing. That was partially a lie, Annabeth gave us a crash cord on what to do. All I got was when I was a good distance away from the plane pull the little cord that was put in my hand.

Thalia stood next to me as Travis and Will jumped out of the plane. Her faces was pale and it looked like she was going to throw up whatever she ate this past two days. Grover nodded his head to the three of us still standing on the plane and jumped.

Thalia looked at Annabeth and I "I don't think I can jump!" she yelled over the wind, Annabeth smiled nod yelled back "you'll be fine!" before pushing Thalia out of the plane, all I heard was her screaming. I looked at Annabeth and she yelled to me "are you going to jump or am I going to have to shove you?" I smiled and jumped.

At first I was totally freaked out and my first thought was oh gods don't let me die this quickly. All I could think of was that the fates were probably firing of laughter at how frightened I was. Personally I was hoping they were laughing at Thalia saying "daughter of Zeus afraid of hight!" "Look she seems about ready to poop her pants!"

Above me all I heard was "pull the cord," which was probably Annabeth, my body agreed and when I pulled the cord my body started to slow its decent to the hard ground that kept coming closer to me.

Everyone got lucky on their landing except Will. He was stuck in a free wailing for some one to get him down while Travis had a camera out and was taking photos.

Everyone rested while I climbed up the tree Will was stuck in and cut him free. He was so stuck it took longer than I thought it would.

After we took a short brake we started walking down a little dirt road we had landed next to. I walked next to Annabeth and we would occasionally bump shoulders as we walked side by side.

I thought back to camp. Nico would be keeping me updated on how things were doing back there. Only problem was, I forgot my laptop and my bak pack on the plane. I groaned, Annabeth looked at me. I told her what I was thinking "I can't contact Nico and the others via web cam, I forgot my laptop on the plane with the rest of my stuff." Annabeth gave me a side hug "it will be all right. We can find the nearest hotel or inn and we can see if they have a computer and web cam."

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