"That's sexist!" *2*

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*Leafys POV*
I walk over to the feminist and try to start a conversation with her, here's how it went...

Calvin; "Hey Femmy! I was just wondering if you want to, I don't know, maybe eat dinner? A movie-"
Femmy; "No, no! I don't want to watch some fucking movie! T- that's sexist! You're sexist!"
Femmy; *runs out building*
Calvin; "wait! Please!"
Calvin; *sigh*

*Femmy's POV*
I walk into work which is a coffee shop.
A few hours pass by and I'm finished.
I go home safely and I get ready for bed because it's late
"That man is kinda cute" I think to myself as I eat my dinner
"No! I can't think that. He's a male!"
I shout
I open my laptop and watch some youtube, I find a channel called "LeafyIsHere" in my recommendations. I watch some of his videos and laugh at a lot
"This is so funny haha! His voice sounds familiar though..." I think I'll just go to bed...
I strap on my bra, shorts and hop into bed.
"Today was a good day" I think to myself as I drift into sleep...

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