My Misbehavior *28*

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Leafy and Femmy walked throughout the forest. He looked down at his hands
"Wow, I never thought I would be doing this, especially for my girlfriend... I never knew that I was capable of that. I did it all for you"
"I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend❤❤" She said looking into his eyes.
He blushed.
They walked back to his house.
She sat on his bed next him
(Of course after they cleaned up because leafy was covered in blood and Femmy was covered in dirt)
He looked down at his phone.
Femmy leaned in for a kiss.
He looked up really fast.
She giggled and looked away.
She flipped her hair and kissed him.
He dropped his phone on the ground and closed his eyes.

*Leafys POV*
My phone started blowing up...
I really didn't want to leave Femmy. This felt so fucking good and maybe it could turn into something special?
After 80+ notifications from my phone she released my lips.
"Your phone is blowing up like crazy..."
"I noticed that too haha"
I picked up my home and started looking at my twitter.
"Not this bitch..."
"What's up?" Femmy asked
"Look at this video..." I showed Femmy the video
"I've seen the video you made about her, did she respond?"
"Fuck her. I'm not even going to waste my time on her. I have better topics to rant about. Speaking of ranting, I haven't posted in two days. I'm going to make a video"
"Okay, I'm coming over tonight. Make sure to save your time" She said with a wink
I grinned
"I missed you"
"I missed you too"
She kissed my forehead and ruffled my hair then she left
After a few hours, I had a video posted. It was about this kid who plays pokemon go. Faggot. I'm think of removing all my videos on children because they're not as funny as my other videos.
I posted the video
I got a call from Femmy
"Heyyyy Fem-"
"I know your secret..."
"M- My secret?"
"No shit lmao"
"You said you were a lizard..."
"This is a lizard."
I sent her a photo of a Lizard
"That's not you..."
"It's not. I'm a man. You're a woman"
"I'm a fruit roll up"
"I love fruit roll ups"
"I hate men"
"I'm YOUR man. You have complete control over me. Whatever you want me to do baby, I'll do it. Only if it's for you"
I could tell she was melted from her voice...
"I- I'll see you later..." She mumbled
She ended the call
"I feel bad for lying to her but she believed it haha. I love her anyway❤"
I went outside to my dogs.
A girl stood there with a black sweater.
"What the fuck? Get out!"
"Why don't you like me?!"
My dogs chased her out of my yard.
"Holy shit..."
I tweeted about it...

*Femmy's POV*
I can not believe that Calvin is a man...
What did I expect?
I walked outside and leaned on my patio
Calvin walked in. He wore a snapback, t shirt and black jeans.
He wrapped his arms around my waist. I had nothing on but a purple robe, bra, short shorts and thigh high socks. I would always wear that around the house. Well, only in my house.
"Nice outfit" he said whispering into my ear
I turned around and before I knew it, I was trapped. His hands at both sides of my body blocking me from going anywhere. I looked him in the eyes. I smiled.
"You're so cute❤"
"You're cuter♡"
"Only me?"
"Only You..."
"I- I love you" I said pulling him closer.
"I love you too❤"
I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"I don't care if you're a man or Reptilian, as long as you're MINE"
"And I don't care if you're a woman or a fruit roll up, as long as you're MINE and I'm always yours"
"I'm all yours"
He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him and he placed his hand on my cheek always said "I want you..."
"I want you❤❤"
I took him my room where everything was organized. My bed was always made and my nightstand only had a book and a lamp on it. I'm such a clean person.
"I know right, I might have to change it up a bit..."
I pushed him on my bed. He smiled and looked into my eyes.

Sorry for not publishing for the past few days. I was working on another book. Thank you for 1k views! I never knew that I would make it this far wow. This part is pretty long but it's worth reading. School is starting soon so I won't be active as much as I am. I will publish when I can. Thanks for reading and voting! Peace💚👌

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