Keems Plan... *20*

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* Calvin's POV *
I'm very worried about Femmy.
I'm going out to find her.
I walk to the cafe she went to. I looked around and she was no where to be found. I finally decided to go inside a dark forest. I fell into a dark room and I saw Femmy tied up onto a chair and she was crying. She looked at me with tears in her eyes. I felt so bad. I ran to her and untied the rope and took the tape off her lips. Keem was in the other room talking to someone on the phone. We ran out of the dark room into the forest. We walked back to the hotel. She didn't talk to me for the whole elevator ride. She didn't look at me or even have an emotion on her face. We walked to our room. Once we walked in, she hugged me. I hugged back and said "Thank you. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you, I love you❤❤"
"I don't want to lose you. Ever"
"Calvin, are you a man...?"
"No, I'm a reptilian lmao"
"Oh that's great. I fucking hate men"
"As long as you don't hate reptilians, we're good"
"I'm a hamster"
"I fuck hamsters"
"Oh course you do❤❤"

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