Codes and Whistles

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Katie was a very popular YouTuber. Everyone loved her. She had participated in many charity events. Needless to say, everyone knew her. Some people loved her, and some people did not.


My best friend, Daniel, always hung out with me. We were always going out to our little hideout we built when we were kids.

That place was destroyed by a pack of raccoons. We started going to the park and playing tennis and volleyball. When I started doing videos, we sort of... drifted apart.

We don't hang out as much but we're still friends. He watches my videos as well.

After a death threat was made against me, Daniel and I had decided to have a little code whenever I'm in danger or I'm in distress.

I would draw a heart on my wrist or my hand. When I say, "I like strawberries," or whistle "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star," it means I am in great danger and need help immediately.

I hoped I would never have to use these, but one day I realized I would.

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