Why You Can't Trust Your Roommate

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I had a roommate, her name was Jessica (it's pronounced Yessica but I call her Jess). We knew each other for over a year... I trusted her.

You can't trust everyone though; and I learned that the hard way.

One time, I was getting ready to make a video, she got cloth and chloroform. She put it to my face and my vision slowly faded to black.

I felt scared and confused... but I didn't feel that way for long. I made feeble attempts at escaping, but failed, and eventually fell unconscious.

I know what you may be thinking. "Why didn't she scream out? Why didn't she try and run, or fight?" Oh, but how I tried.

I fought for my life, but had little strength to do so... I've been kidnapped before. I know how it works.

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