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One thing I wasn't able to do.

Process what the hell happened, where I was, why I was there.


The process of trying to process something usually requires prior knowledge, that of which I did not have.

All I remembered at the time was my name and age. I didn't remember anything else.

Katie Simmons, age 17.

I had no prior knowledge of what happened to me. Or who I was.

I woke up and realized immediately that I was sitting in a chair. Maybe I fell asleep while reading a... what were those called?

Books. That's how messed up my mind was at the time.

I tried to get up, but I then realized that my hands and legs were bound to the chair. I started breathing rapidly. I screamed out.

To no avail.

I started crying and started trying to release myself from my comfortable prison. I realizer that I was weaker than usual. I could barely look around the room.

I saw a light, a camera, a file, and a syringe. The file was almost impossible to read. I only saw words like "YouTube", "Jessica", "Daniel."

Then I saw "executing her."

I screamed again. This time a man came in. I asked him for help. He walked over to me and slapped me with the back of his hand.

"Shut the hell up."

I'll never forget how he said it. Never forget the words. Never forget the voice.

Never forget how I processed the situation as "I'm going to die."

There goes that damn word again... process.

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