Waking Up To Reality

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His hand had knocked me out for about a few hours. I realized that it was afternoon when I saw a clock.

I wasn't in a chair this time. I was on the ground; unbound, but unable to move. I felt extremely heavy.

I saw a man crouching near me. "Nothing to say now, huh?"

I tried to muster out a "Go to hell," but could only get out a meager breath.

"Trying to scream out again? Thosr drugs are gonna help you stay quiet and calm, sweetheart. Can't have you waking the neighbours, now can I?"

I was anything but calm. I was trying to plead for my life, but couldn't speak a letter.

"You're getting blue. Breathe. You're gonna die."

I realized that it would be better to die. I didn't breathe.

"Crap, crapcrapcrap!" He rushed into the darkness. He came back quickly with a syringe and a vial of something that made my brain go into hyperdrive.

I started breathing without thinking. I was scared.

"There we go now, was that so bad?"

This time I could make a word. "Go... to... hell."

"I thought so. Now, listen and listen good. You moved to a new house, you're really excited, and you're staying there long term. You're advertising a bunch of products for my benefit. My money. Got that so far?"

I didn't answer. He looked displeased with my disobedient silence.

"I could always kill you instead."

I answered this time, "Fine... just don't kill me..." I wanted to die as opposed to go through that type of living hell; but I thought of my family, and other people that he had in mind as targets.

"Good girl, good girl. Now, starting tomorrow, you're making an update on your new house. Capische?"

I spat at him. He grabbed my cheeks and pulled my head towards his. "Capische?"

I angrily muttered, "Capische, dick."

He laughed in response, and let me go. "Rest up, little bunny. I'll be back soon."

I watched as he walked away, and once the drugs wore off, I fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2017 ⏰

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